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- ESG International Weekly News 10/14 - 10/20
ESG International Weekly News 10/14 - 10/20

1.Amazon Joins Tech Giant Peers in Move to Nuclear to Tackle AI Carbon Footprint
Amazon has announced a major move into nuclear energy, including new agreements and a $500 million investment, as part of its strategy to address the growing climate impact of its expanding data center operations. This marks Amazon's entry into the emerging small modular reactor (SMR) sector, joining other tech giants like Google and Microsoft, which have recently signed nuclear energy deals to support their operations.
In 2019, Amazon pledged to power its global operations, including data centers, with 100% renewable energy by 2030. The company announced in July 2024 that it had reached this goal seven years ahead of schedule. However, with the increasing demand for energy-intensive technologies like generative AI, Amazon is now exploring additional carbon-free energy sources, including nuclear power, to support its clean energy needs.
Amazon’s new agreements focus on SMRs, advanced nuclear reactors that offer several advantages over traditional nuclear plants, such as faster construction times and the ability to be deployed closer to electricity grids. The deals include a partnership with Energy Northwest in Washington to develop four SMRs with an initial capacity of 320 MW, with an option to expand to 960 MW. Amazon is also working with Dominion Energy on a project that could bring at least 300 MW of nuclear power to Virginia.
Additionally, Amazon has anchored a $500 million investment in X-Energy, a developer of SMR reactors and fuel. The company aims to bring over 5 GW of new nuclear projects online across the U.S. by 2039, marking one of the largest SMR deployment goals announced to date. These nuclear projects will complement Amazon's continued investment in renewable energy sources like wind and solar.
Amazon’s nuclear push follows its earlier deal with Talen Energy to co-locate a data center near Talen’s nuclear facility in Pennsylvania, allowing Amazon to power its data centers with carbon-free nuclear energy.AWS CEO Matt Garman stated, "One of the fastest ways to address climate change is by transitioning our society to carbon-free energy sources, and nuclear energy is both carbon-free and scalable. Our agreements will help encourage the construction of new nuclear technologies that will generate energy for decades to come."
亞馬遜於2019年承諾,到2030年實現全球運營中的所有電力消耗,包括數據中心、辦公樓、商店和配送中心,將100%來自可再生能源。儘管該公司在2024年7月提前7年實現了這一目標,但由於生成式人工智能等技術的能源需求激增,亞馬遜現正探索除可再生能源外的新型無碳能源,其中核能被視為一個重要的方向。亞馬遜的新協議主要聚焦於小型模塊化反應堆,這種先進的核反應堆具有建設速度快、可更接近電網部署等優勢。亞馬遜與華盛頓州的能源西北公司達成了協議,計劃開發四個SMR,初期產能為320兆瓦,並可選擇增至960兆瓦。此外,亞馬遜還與Dominion Energy合作,開發一個為維吉尼亞州提供至少300兆瓦核電的SMR項目。亞馬遜還宣布了對SMR反應堆及燃料開發商X-Energy的5億美元投資,並計劃與X-Energy合作,在2039年前實現超過5吉瓦的核電項目,這是迄今為止商業領域內最大規模的SMR部署目標之一。這些核電項目將補充亞馬遜在風能和太陽能等可再生能源領域的持續投資。
此前,亞馬遜還與Talen Energy達成合作,將數據中心設在Talen位於賓夕法尼亞州的核電設施附近,從而利用無碳核能為其數據中心供電。
亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)首席執行官Matt Garman表示:“應對氣候變化的最快途徑之一是將社會能源來源轉向無碳能源,而核能既無碳且具備規模化潛力,因此對亞馬遜來說是重要的投資領域。我們的協議將促進新核能技術的建設,這些技術將在未來數十年持續提供能源。
2.Google Signs First Nuclear Energy Deal to Address Growing AI Carbon Footprint
Google 簽署小型先進核能項目,應對其AI數據中心用電量激增的碳足跡
Google has announced an agreement with nuclear technology company Kairos Power to deploy a fleet of small advanced nuclear power projects across the U.S., which will provide up to 500 MW of carbon-free energy. This initiative is part of Google’s strategy to meet its climate and clean energy goals, as its growing data center operations demand increasing amounts of electricity and contribute more greenhouse gas emissions.
This is the first agreement to purchase nuclear energy from multiple small modular reactors (SMRs) and marks Google’s first advanced nuclear deal. Google’s Senior Director of Energy and Climate, Michael Terrell, emphasized that this partnership is crucial as the tech giant seeks to address the rising emissions from its expanding data center footprint. Despite its ambitious goals of reaching net-zero emissions and reducing 50% of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 2030, Google reported a 13% increase in emissions in 2023, driven by its growing energy consumption.
The agreement with Kairos Power is a step towards achieving Google’s goal of operating on 24/7 carbon-free energy by 2030. Kairos Power’s small modular reactors use molten-salt cooling and ceramic pebble-type fuel, allowing the reactors to generate power at low pressure with a simpler, more affordable design. The first reactor is expected to be online by 2030, with further deployments planned through 2035, ultimately providing up to 500 MW of clean energy.
Kairos Power CEO Mike Laufer praised the partnership with Google, stating that the collaboration will accelerate the development of the company’s commercial product. Google’s involvement will help Kairos achieve cost and schedule certainty while advancing the technology.
Google’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Kate Brandt, described the agreement as a major milestone in Google’s journey to achieve 24/7 carbon-free energy. She noted that the partnership with Kairos Power aims to bring clean, safe, and affordable nuclear power to more communities through repeated reactor deployments.
Google 宣布與核能技術公司 Kairos Power 達成協議,計劃在美國部署一系列小型先進核能項目,為其提供多達 500 兆瓦的無碳能源。此舉是 Google 應對其數據中心用電量激增以及實現氣候目標的最新策略。
這是首個與多座小型模塊化反應堆(SMR)合作的核能購買協議,也是 Google 的首個先進核能交易。Google 的能源與氣候高級總監 Michael Terrell 表示,這項合作至關重要,因為隨著數據中心的擴展,該公司面臨的碳排放壓力不斷增大。儘管 Google 設定了到 2030 年實現淨零排放的目標,並承諾減少 2019 年基準的 50% 碳排放,但該公司報告顯示,2023 年其碳排放量增長了 13%。
此協議也是 Google 實現到 2030 年全天候使用無碳能源目標的一部分。Kairos Power 正在開發一種使用熔鹽冷卻系統的小型模塊化反應堆,結合陶瓷卵石型燃料,能夠有效地將熱量傳輸至蒸汽渦輪機產生電力。這些反應堆預計可在 2030 年首次投入運行,隨後到 2035 年部署更多反應堆,最終可產生高達 500 兆瓦的清潔能源。Kairos Power 執行長 Mike Laufer 表示,與 Google 的合作將推動該公司的產品快速商業化。Google 的參與將幫助 Kairos 提高成本和進度的確定性,推進技術發展。Google 首席可持續發展官 Kate Brandt 表示,這是 Google 無碳能源進程中的一個重要里程碑,並將推動無碳能源的技術發展,造福更多社區。
3.99% of Insurers Have Set Climate Transition Goals in their Investment Portfolios: BlackRock Survey
全球 99% 的保險公司已經在其投資組合中設定了低碳轉型目標:貝萊德調查
Nearly all insurers have now set climate transition-related objectives within their investment portfolios, with more than half setting net zero targets, according to a new survey by BlackRock. The survey, which covered 410 senior insurance industry executives across 32 global markets and representing approximately $27 trillion in investable assets, reveals a growing commitment among insurers to the low-carbon transition.
Key findings from the survey show that 99% of insurers have adopted low-carbon transition objectives, with 56% targeting net zero emissions. Other goals include annual emissions reduction targets (52%) and minimum allocations to low-carbon strategies (49%). The primary motivation for insurers to adopt these objectives is the management and mitigation of climate risks (57%), followed by stakeholder interest (54%) and regulatory obligations (47%).
Investor confidence in climate-related investments is on the rise, with 66% of insurers reporting greater conviction in low-carbon transition investments compared to a year ago. Insurers are particularly interested in transition technologies like batteries, carbon capture, and energy storage (63%), as well as clean energy infrastructure such as wind and solar (59%).
In terms of investment categories, insurers plan to increase allocations to impact strategies (62%), emerging markets (58%), private equity (58%), and green bonds (53%).
Mark Erickson, Global Head of the Financial Institutions Group at BlackRock, emphasized the pivotal role insurers play in financing the global transition to low-carbon economies. Erickson noted that insurers are increasingly collaborating with asset managers to bring innovative blended finance solutions to close the funding gap for climate and infrastructure projects.
根據投資巨頭貝萊德(BlackRock)發佈的一項新調查,幾乎所有保險公司都已經在其投資組合中設定了與氣候轉型相關的目標,其中超過一半的保險公司設立了淨零排放目標。該調查針對全球 32 個市場中 410 名高層保險行業主管,覆蓋約 27 萬億美元的可投資資產。
調查結果顯示,全球 99% 的保險公司已經在其投資組合中設定了低碳轉型目標,其中 56% 設定了淨零排放的目標日期。其他主要氣候相關的投資目標包括 52% 的受訪者設立了年度減排目標,49% 設定了最低的低碳轉型策略配置,22% 設定了溫度對齊目標。
57% 的受訪者表示,管理和減少氣候風險是設定低碳轉型目標的主要動機,其他驅動因素包括回應利益相關者和受益人的需求(54%)、實現現實世界的影響(42%)、以及履行監管義務(47%)。
此外,約 66% 的受訪保險公司表示,比一年前對投資低碳轉型有更大的信心。保險公司計劃擴展低碳轉型策略,重點領域包括轉型技術(如電池、碳捕集和能源儲存技術,63%),以及清潔能源基礎設施(如風能和太陽能,59%)。其他投資主題包括自然資本與生物多樣性(41%),以及轉型金屬與材料(37%)。
在投資類別方面,62% 的受訪者表示計劃增加對影響投資策略的配置,58% 計劃增加對新興市場和增長型/收購型私募股權的投資,53% 計劃增加對綠色債券的配置。貝萊德金融機構集團全球負責人 Mark Erickson 在報告中表示:“保險公司在填補全球轉型與基礎設施融資缺口方面發揮著關鍵作用。保險業已成為推動轉型融資倡議的主要力量,這些倡議過去主要由工業和公共機構推動。如今,保險公司正在動員保險業資本,並與資產管理公司合作,為這一融資缺口提供混合融資解決方案。
4.U.S DOE Launches $900 Million for Next-Generation Nuclear Technology
美國政府宣布提供 9 億美元的聯邦資金支持部署第三代小型模組化反應堆 (SMR) 技術
The Biden-Harris Administration has announced $900 million in federal funding aimed at supporting the deployment of Generation III+ small modular reactors (SMRs). This initiative is part of the Investing in America agenda, which seeks to reinforce U.S. nuclear leadership while addressing the rising demand for clean, carbon-free energy. SMRs provide scalable, reliable, and flexible clean energy options, crucial for industries like AI, data centers, manufacturing, and healthcare.
Key components of the funding include:
Tier 1: Up to $800 million to support "first movers" in deploying initial Gen III+ SMR projects.
Tier 2: $100 million to accelerate further deployments, addressing challenges like licensing and supply chain development.
This funding will not only help decarbonize the power sector but will also support process heat and desalination applications. The initiative strengthens national security, creates high-paying jobs, and aligns with the Justice40 Initiative, ensuring that 40% of investments benefit disadvantaged communities.
Notably, this announcement comes as major tech companies like Google and Amazon accelerate their adoption of nuclear energy. Google partnered with Kairos Power for SMR deployment, and Amazon has agreements with Energy Northwest and X-energy for developing SMRs to power their operations, further highlighting the growing importance of nuclear innovation for the U.S. clean energy transition.
拜登-哈里斯政府宣布提供 9 億美元的聯邦資金,以支持部署第三代小型模組化反應堆 (SMR) 技術,這是美國核能領域發展的關鍵投資,旨在應對不斷增長的 清潔能源需求。SMR 提供靈活且可擴展的 零碳排放能源 解決方案,對於應對包括人工智能、數據中心、製造業和醫療保健等行業至關重要。關鍵資金分配如下:
第一階段:提供高達 8 億美元 的資金,用於支持率先部署 第三代小型模組化反應堆 的項目團隊。
第二階段:提供 1 億美元,加速進一步的反應堆部署,解決 許可證 和 供應鏈開發 等挑戰。
此舉不僅幫助美國實現 2050 年淨零排放目標,還為當地社區創造了 4000 個工作機會,並吸引了額外的 80 億美元私人投資。拜登政府強調,這項投資將加速美國清潔能源革命的進程,增強工業基礎設施,促進經濟增長。
同時,像 Google 和 Amazon 這樣的科技巨頭也通過核能技術推進 碳中和目標,進一步顯示出 小型模組化反應堆 在應對能源轉型中的關鍵角色。
5.90% of Building Products Firms Profit From Sustainable Products: Morningstar Sustainalytics
The building products industry is experiencing a significant shift towards sustainability, with 90% of companiesgenerating revenue from sustainable products and services. This change reflects the growing emphasis on eco-friendly and energy-efficient solutions in construction, which play a critical role in shaping a sustainable future. As global construction demands increase, the long-term energy consumption and emissions of the sector are becoming pivotal concerns, especially as buildings account for more than 30% of global energy use. With rising pressure to meet net-zero targetsoutlined in the Paris Agreement, companies are increasingly adopting green practices.
Despite this promising progress, there remains a notable transparency gap: 68% of companies engaged in sustainable solutions fail to report the specific revenue figures tied to these products. This lack of detailed data presents a challenge for investors and regulators who are trying to gauge the full impact of sustainability initiatives. The evolving landscape of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting will require companies to provide clearer and more consistent disclosures, particularly as stakeholders demand greater accountability in sustainability efforts.
Europe is leading the charge globally, with a higher proportion of companies deriving over half of their revenues from sustainable products and services compared to other regions. This leadership is largely driven by EU regulatory pressures, such as the Renovation Wave and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, which aim to double annual energy renovation rates by 2030 and mandate that all new buildings be net-zero by the same year. These regulations are accelerating the pace at which European companies adopt sustainable practices.
Green buildings offer both environmental and financial benefits. According to the World Green Building Council, U.S. green buildings use 25% less energy than their non-green counterparts, with this figure reaching 50% in countries like India. Green buildings not only lower operational costs through reduced energy and water consumption but also command higher rents and sale prices, making them attractive to sustainability-conscious buyers. The LEED certification systemfurther reinforces the benefits, as certified buildings typically enjoy higher resale values and better public health outcomes due to healthier indoor environments.
Several companies are driving sustainability in the building products industry. Saint-Gobain, a French construction manufacturer, reported that 73% of its 2023 sales came from sustainable products, utilizing a methodology that assesses both sustainability and product performance. Rockwool, a Danish company specializing in stone wool insulation, derived 77% of its sales from green solutions in 2023, demonstrating the sector's focus on energy efficiency and resilience against extreme weather.
The transition towards sustainable practices offers substantial opportunities for investors. As the industry aligns with global net-zero goals, companies leading this transformation stand to benefit from both regulatory incentives and growing market demand for eco-friendly solutions. Investing in the building products industry not only supports the global push for sustainability but also provides a promising financial outlook for investors.
在全球範圍內,歐洲在永續發展方面處於領先地位,與其他地區相比,歐洲有更多公司超過一半的收入來自永續解決方案。這種領導地位主要受到歐盟監管壓力的推動,例如“Renovation Wave”(翻新浪潮)和“能源性能建築指令”(Energy Performance of Buildings Directive),這些計劃旨在到2030年將年度能源翻新率提高一倍,並規定所有新建建築物必須達到淨零排放。這些法規正在加速歐洲公司採用永續做法的步伐。