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- ESG International Weekly News 10/21 - 10/27
ESG International Weekly News 10/21 - 10/27

1.EU Invests €4.8 Billion in Decarbonization Projects Funded Through Carbon Pricing System
The European Commission announced today that it has selected 85 decarbonization technology-focused projects to receive €4.8 billion in grants utilizing funds raised through its EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).
Established in 2005, the European Emission Trading System puts a price on carbon emissions for key greenhouse gas-intensive sectors such as electricity and heat generation, oil refineries, steel, cement, paper, chemicals, and commercial aviation. In 2023, EU lawmakers agreed to expand the EU ETS’s scope, tightening emissions reduction targets for covered sectors and extending the system to new industries. The ETS is now expected to generate approximately €40 billion in revenues between 2020-2030.
The grants are part of the Innovation Fund, one of the world’s largest funding programs for net-zero technologies, supporting the European Green Deal’s objective to enhance Europe’s competitiveness and move toward climate neutrality. The Innovation Fund provides financial incentives for both public and private sectors to invest in advanced net-zero and low-carbon technologies.
This announcement marks the fourth and largest wave of grants by the fund, bringing total awards to date to €12 billion. For the first time, this funding round includes a focus on projects of varying scales—large, medium, and small—including cleantech manufacturing, wind and solar energy components, heat pumps, energy storage, and the battery value chain.
Other categories covered by the grants include technologies to cut emissions in energy-intensive industries, industrial carbon management (which is expected to contribute 13% toward the Net-Zero Industry Act’s goal of storing at least 50 million tonnes of CO2), renewable hydrogen projects, and emission reduction in mobility sectors, particularly maritime.The Commission will issue the next call for proposals in December 2024.
歐洲委員會今日宣布,將為85個專注於減碳技術的項目提供48億歐元的補助金,這些資金來自其歐盟排放交易系統(EU ETS)。
歐盟排放交易系統於2005年設立,對關鍵的溫室氣體密集型行業(如電力與熱力生產、石油精煉、鋼鐵、水泥、造紙、化工和商業航空)排放的碳設置價格。2023年,歐盟立法者同意擴大EU ETS的範圍,加大覆蓋行業的排放減少要求,並將系統擴展到新領域。預計該系統將在2020至2030年間產生約400億歐元的收入。
2.Hong Kong Tells Banks to Target Net Zero Financed Emissions, Disclose Climate Risks and Opportunities
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), Hong Kong’s central banking institution, has launched its Sustainable Finance Action Agenda, which outlines a set of goals and planned actions to support green and sustainable finance. This agenda aims to aid the low-carbon transition and position Hong Kong as a regional “sustainable finance hub.”
Key initiatives of the agenda include a directive for banks to achieve net zero financed emissions by 2050 and enhance climate-related disclosures. The HKMA will also work to foster sustainable finance innovation and provide training programs for finance professionals.
The agenda is organized into four main priorities:
Banking for Net Zero: This category focuses on banks reducing their own operational emissions by 2030 and financed emissions by 2050. Banks are expected to phase out high-emission assets and disclose climate-related risks and opportunities in alignment with international standards like the ISSB and Basel Committee frameworks.
Investing in a Sustainable Future: The HKMA aims to achieve net zero in its Exchange Fund investment portfolio. It plans to increase sustainable investments and integrate ESG factors into investment decisions.
Financing Net Zero: Hong Kong is to become a leading sustainable finance platform, encouraging sustainable financing and digital green bond issuance through subsidies and incentives.
Making Sustainability More Inclusive: The HKMA will focus on enhancing the accessibility and transparency of climate data and disclosures while addressing talent gaps in sustainable finance by launching training programs in collaboration with industry bodies.
HKMA Chief Executive Eddie Yue emphasized the critical role that Hong Kong, as an international financial hub, can play in facilitating sustainable finance and managing the risks of the net zero transition.
3.DOE Announces $900 Million Funding to Support Small Nuclear Reactor Deployment
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has opened applications for funding of up to $900 million to support the development of Generation III+ small modular reactor (SMR) technologies. This funding initiative aims to accelerate the deployment of advanced nuclear reactor technologies across the U.S. and encourage follow-on reactor projects. These efforts are vital to support U.S. climate goals and meet the growing demand for clean, reliable, and affordable energy.
SMRs are smaller than traditional nuclear plants, offering advantages such as faster construction times, the ability to be located closer to energy grids, and the production of carbon-free power. As the U.S. aims to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, it will need an estimated 700-900 GW of additional power generation capacity. With nearly half of the nation’s carbon-free electricity already supplied by nuclear power, the DOE sees SMRs as a proven option to help meet future energy needs.
The funding is part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024. It will be distributed in two tiers:
First Mover Team Support: Up to $800 million for initial teams (utility, reactor vendors, constructors) committed to deploying a first plant.
Fast Follower Deployment Support: Up to $100 million to accelerate additional SMR deployments by addressing gaps in design, licensing, and other areas.
This announcement follows recent moves by tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft to integrate nuclear energy into their operations, helping meet the rising energy demands of data centers while addressing climate goals.
U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm emphasized the importance of revitalizing the nuclear sector in contributing carbon-free energy to the grid and supporting the growing economy, which spans sectors from AI to manufacturing.Ali Zaidi, White House National Climate Advisor, noted the resurgence in American energy innovation, including the revival of previously shuttered nuclear plants and the introduction of new technologies and reactors. He highlighted how Biden-Harris policies are spurring private sector investments into nuclear technologies, creating jobs and reducing energy costs.
4.Mercedes-Benz Launches Battery Recycling Plant Producing New Vehicle-Grade Lithium, Nickel and Cobalt
Mercedes-Benz has announced the opening of a new battery recycling plant in Kuppenheim, southern Germany, which marks a significant step towards creating a circular economy. The plant boasts a 96% recovery rate, allowing the company to recover key materials like lithium, nickel, and cobalt for use in new electric vehicle batteries. The company invested tens of millions of euros into the project, which is receiving additional funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of a research project with three German universities. The plant has an annual capacity of 2,500 tonnes of materials, supporting the production of over 50,000 battery modules.
The facility uses an innovative mechanical-hydrometallurgical process to recover materials with a high degree of purity, which can be reused in new batteries. Mercedes-Benz aims to make its fleet of new cars net carbon neutral by 2039 as part of its Ambition 2039 strategy, and this plant represents a major milestone in achieving that goal. The plant operates in a carbon-neutral manner and is powered by 100% green electricity.
這座工廠採用創新的機械-濕法冶金工藝,能夠以極高純度回收材料,這些材料可重新用於新電池。梅賽德斯-賓士的Ambition 2039戰略目標是到2039年實現其新車隊的淨碳中和,該工廠是實現這一目標的重大里程碑。該工廠以碳中和方式運行,並由100%綠色電力供應。
5.NYC Proposes Ban on Investments in Fossil Fuel Infrastructure for Pension Funds
New York City Comptroller Brad Lander has announced a proposal to further expand the city’s pension funds’ fossil fuel investment exclusion policy by halting future private market investments in midstream and downstream fossil fuel infrastructure, such as pipelines, distribution facilities, and LNG terminals. This decision builds on previous measures taken by the city’s pension funds to divest from fossil fuel reserve owners in 2018 and to exclude upstream fossil fuel investments, including exploration and extraction, in 2023.
The city’s pension funds, which include NYCERS, TRS, and BERS, hold over $200 billion in assets. The proposal is aimed at mitigating the systemic financial risks that climate change poses to the global economy and the city's pension funds, with Comptroller Lander emphasizing that “climate risk is financial risk.” The proposal will be presented to the pension funds’ trustees in early 2025 after thorough research and development.
紐約市主計長Brad Lander宣布了一項新提案,旨在進一步擴大市政退休基金的化石燃料投資排除政策,未來將停止對中游和下游化石燃料基礎設施(如管道、配送設施和液化天然氣終端)的私人市場投資。這一決定基於市政退休基金此前的行動,包括2018年撤資化石燃料儲備持有者,以及2023年排除上游化石燃料投資(包括勘探和開採)的決策。