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- ESG International Weekly News 10/7 - 10/13
ESG International Weekly News 10/7 - 10/13

1.UK to Invest £22 Billion in Carbon Capture Projects
The UK government has announced a £21.7 billion investment over the next 25 years to develop two new carbon capture clusters, with the aim of removing and storing over 8.5 million tonnes of industrial carbon emissions annually. This funding will also support hydrogen projects that use carbon capture, contributing to the UK’s goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. The initiative is expected to attract an additional £8 billion in private investment and create 4,000 jobs in local communities.
Energy Secretary Ed Miliband emphasized the importance of this investment in rebuilding Britain’s industrial heartlands and driving a clean energy revolution. The carbon capture and storage (CCS) initiative is seen as crucial for decarbonizing industries like steel, cement, and chemicals that are difficult to transition to low emissions.
This announcement follows the UK’s 2022 release of its CCUS Vision, which aims to make the country a global leader in carbon capture, usage, and storage (CCUS). The government plans to scale CCUS to capture at least 20 million tonnes of CO2 by 2030 and build a self-sustaining market by 2035, leveraging the country’s vast geological resources, including a 78-billion-tonne CO2 storage capacity in the North Sea.
The two new projects are in Merseyside, home to the HyNet North West project led by Eni, and Teesside, which hosts Net Zero Teesside, a project involving major companies like bp, Shell, Equinor, and TotalEnergies. Both clusters aim to decarbonize industrial plants and create a new low-carbon economy. Eni’s CEO Claudio Descalzi hailed the announcement as a major step towards establishing low-carbon clusters, while bp’s Louise Kingham noted the economic growth and jobs these projects will bring.
此次宣布緊隨去年政府發布的《碳捕捉、利用與儲存願景》(CCUS Vision)之後,該計劃旨在使英國成為全球碳捕捉、利用與儲存領域的領導者,目標是到2030年每年捕捉至少2000萬噸二氧化碳,並在2035年前建立一個具競爭力且自給自足的碳捕捉市場。該願景還強調了英國利用其獨特地質、基礎設施和北海780億噸二氧化碳儲存能力,為其他國家提供儲存服務的機遇。願景的第一階段「市場創建」計劃包括大規模政府支持,以建立碳捕捉集群,支持各行業的初步部署,並發展碳運輸能力。
此次資金計劃涉及的項目地點包括默西賽德,這裡擁有由能源公司Eni領導的HyNet North West項目,該項目旨在捕捉陸基工業工廠產生的二氧化碳,並將其永久安全地儲存在愛爾蘭海枯竭的氣田中;以及蒂斯河畔的Net Zero Teesside項目,該項目旨在通過CCUS技術實現當地工業、電力和氫能公司的減碳,並計劃將碳儲存在北海。參與蒂斯河項目基礎設施開發的公司包括bp、Equinor、國家電網創新部、殼牌和道達爾能源。
Eni的首席執行官Claudio Descalzi表示:「今天的消息是向與能源轉型相關的新商業鏈條邁出的重要一步。HyNet將成為全球首批低碳集群之一,該項目將實現能源密集型工業區的減碳,同時促進該地區的顯著經濟增長。」bp歐洲高級副總裁兼英國負責人Louise Kingham補充道:「這些重大項目有潛力促進經濟增長——支持數千個工作崗位,幫助英國公司通過廣泛的供應鏈繁榮發展,並創建有助於主要工業公司減碳的基礎設施。」
2.Canada to Introduce Mandatory Climate Disclosure Requirements for Large Companies
The Government of Canada has announced plans to expand climate-related financial disclosure requirements to private companies, specifically targeting large, federally incorporated businesses. This move includes the introduction of mandatory climate-related reporting based on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, continuing Canada's commitment that began in 2021. The government also revealed plans to develop a sustainable investment taxonomy to categorize green and transitional activities. While small and medium-sized businesses are exempt, the government is encouraging voluntary participation. The Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) has proposed new standards to guide these disclosures.
3.3M Commits to Reduce Emissions Across the Value Chain by More than 40% by 2030
3M has announced updated climate-related goals, including a new target to reduce its Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 42% by 2030, based on 2021 levels. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validated 3M's near-term goals as aligned with the Paris Agreement's 1.5° C trajectory. The company's past commitments include achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 52.6% by 2030. Scope 3 emissions, covering indirect emissions from supply chains and product use, pose challenges for complex companies like 3M, but it has been developing its Scope 3 inventory since 2011.
4.Goldman Sachs Closes $440 Million Investment in Renewable Power Platform BrightNight
BrightNight, a renewable power company, has secured a $440 million strategic equity investment from Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s alternative investments platform. This funding will support the company's independent power producer (IPP) business model and help expand its utility-scale renewable energy portfolio across the U.S. Founded in 2019, BrightNight specializes in hybrid renewable power projects using AI-based software to optimize design and operations. The investment, along with other capital, will fully fund the company’s five-year plan, covering its 31 GW portfolio of solar, energy storage, and hybrid solutions. BrightNight also increased its corporate credit facility to $400 million.
可再生能源公司BrightNight宣布從高盛資產管理的另類投資平台Goldman Sachs Alternatives獲得4.4億美元的戰略股權投資,支持其獨立電力生產商(IPP)業務模式,並推動其在美國的公用事業級可再生能源項目擴展。BrightNight成立於2019年,專注於可再生能源項目的開發、建設及運營,並利用AI軟體PowerAlpha優化項目設計及運營策略。本次投資連同其他機構投資者的資金承諾,將充分資助公司五年計劃,推進其31吉瓦的可再生能源項目組合。公司同時將其企業信貸額度從3.75億美元提升至4億美元,以支持其美國項目發展。
5.HSBC, IFC Launch SDG-Focused Emerging Markets Sustainable Corporate Bond Fund
HSBC Asset Management and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) have partnered to launch a new fund targeting corporate bond issuers in emerging markets that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The fund aims to promote sustainability in these markets by investing in areas like sustainable technologies, social impact, and a just transition. IFC will support the fund with a $100 million investment. This collaboration builds on their previous partnership for the HSBC Real Economy Green Investment Opportunity GEM Bond Fund (REGIO). The new fund will also align with the EU's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Article 9.