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- ESG International Weekly News 11/6-11/12
ESG International Weekly News 11/6-11/12

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has announced a significant $2 billion investment towards construction projects utilizing low-embodied carbon (LEC) materials such as LEC asphalt, concrete, glass, and steel. This initiative is part of a broader effort to promote American-made low-carbon materials and to boost the nation's capacity for manufacturing innovative, next-generation goods. It aligns with the federal Buy Clean Initiative, which encourages the use of domestically produced, lower-carbon materials in federal projects. The investment, funded by the Inflation Reduction Act, will support over 150 government building projects across more than 39 states, emphasizing the procurement of LEC materials. This move not only addresses climate change but also aims to create jobs, reinforcing the U.S. commitment to lead in clean manufacturing.
美國總務管理局(GSA)今日宣布對使用低體現碳(LEC)材料(包括LEC瀝青、混凝土、玻璃和鋼材)的政府建築項目投資20億美元。這項投資旨在推動美國製造的低碳市場,並擴大美國製造下一代商品和材料的能力,同時幫助應對氣候危機並創造就業機會。這一宣布跟隨去年政府啟動的聯邦“ Buy Clean”倡議,該倡議指示政府在聯邦採購和聯邦資助的項目中優先使用美國製造的低碳建築材料。這項投資將資助超過150個聯邦政府建築項目,這些項目遍布39個州和地區,並將優先採購LEC材料。該投資將由通貨膨脹減少法案資助,該法案為GSA提供34億美元用於投資聯邦建築,以幫助減少碳排放並推動創新。GSA管理員Robin Carnahan表示:“今天的公告顯示了拜登-哈里斯政府如何履行我們的承諾,使用聯邦政府的採購力加強美國在潔淨製造和就業方面的領導地位。通過在全國範圍內的150多個項目中融入潔淨建築材料,我們正在幫助創造潔淨製造行業未來的高薪工作,並發出明確信號,表明這些可持續產品的本土市場將長期存在。
2.Dutch Regulator Calls for Sustainability Impact Disclosures for all Financial Products
The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) has released a position paper proposing significant reforms to the EU's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). These proposals include removing the current Article 8 and 9 classification categories for sustainability-focused investment funds and introducing a new sustainable investment labeling system. Moreover, the AFM suggests that all financial products, even those without specific sustainability features, should provide some sustainability-related disclosures. This move aims to make the SFDR more meaningful for investors and facilitate the flow of capital towards sustainable investments. The AFM's recommendations come amidst the European Commission’s review of the SFDR framework, part of the EU's Action Plan on financing sustainable growth. The proposed labels include "Transition products," "Sustainable products," and "Sustainable impact products," each with specific requirements and disclosure obligations.
3.CDP to Align Reporting Platform with European Sustainability Reporting Standards
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a leading climate research provider and environmental disclosure platform, together with the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), has announced a collaboration to align the CDP's disclosure system with the EU's European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The Carbon Disclosure Project operates a global environmental disclosure system, enabling investors and other stakeholders to assess organizations' performance in crucial areas such as climate change, deforestation, and water security. EFRAG, mandated by the European Commission, has developed the ESRS, integral to the upcoming Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive (CSRD). Starting in 2024, the CSRD will expand sustainability disclosure requirements for over 50,000 companies. This collaboration is aimed at accelerating the adoption of the ESRS, assisting companies in preparing for new reporting mandates, and promoting readiness for the new environmental reporting framework.
氣候披露計劃(CDP,原名Carbon Disclosure Project),作為領先的氣候研究提供者和環境披露平台,與歐洲財務報告諮詢小組(EFRAG)合作,宣布將CDP的披露系統與歐盟的歐洲可持續性報告標準(ESRS)進行對應。氣候披露計劃運營著一個全球環境披露系統,使投資者和其他利益相關者能夠評估組織在氣候變化、森林砍伐和水安全等關鍵領域的表現。EFRAG受歐盟委員會委託開發了ESRS,這是即將實施的企業可持續報告指令(CSRD)的重要組成部分。從2024年開始,CSRD將擴大超過50,000家公司的可持續性披露要求。這次合作旨在加快ESRS的採用,協助公司為新的報告規定做準備,並促進市場對新環境報告框架的準備。
4.BlackRock Invests $550 Million in World’s Largest DAC Carbon Capture Project
BlackRock and Occidental (Oxy) have announced a significant partnership to invest $550 million in the world's largest Direct Air Capture (DAC) facility, STRATOS, currently being constructed by Oxy's subsidiary 1PointFive. DAC technology, crucial for achieving net-zero emissions, captures CO2 directly from the atmosphere. STRATOS, located in Ector County, Texas, is designed to capture 500,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. This investment from BlackRock, a major player in diversified infrastructure, marks a significant step in scaling up DAC technology. Oxy CEO Vicki Hollub emphasized the project's role in reaching net zero, and BlackRock's Larry Fink highlighted the importance of energy companies in climate technology innovation. Fink, addressing recent criticisms of BlackRock's ESG approach, reaffirmed the firm's commitment to working with energy companies on decarbonization.
投資巨頭貝萊德和能源大公司奧克西登(Oxy)今日宣布,將投資5.5億美元於STRATOS,這是世界上最大的直接空氣捕獲(DAC)設施,目前由Oxy的子公司1PointFive正在建造中。DAC技術對於實現淨零排放至關重要,可以直接從大氣中捕獲二氧化碳。位於德克薩斯州埃克特縣的STRATOS設計年捕獲二氧化碳達50萬噸。貝萊德在多元化基礎設施領域的重大投資,標誌著DAC技術規模化的重要一步。Oxy首席執行官Vicki Hollub強調了該項目在實現淨零目標中的作用,而貝萊德的Larry Fink強調了能源公司在氣候技術創新中的重要性。針對近期對貝萊德ESG方法的批評,Fink重申了該公司致力於與能源公司合作實現脫碳的承諾。
5.Cleantech Startup Princeton NuEnergy Raises $16 Million for Battery Recycling Solution
Princeton NuEnergy (PNE), a cleantech startup focusing on battery materials recycling and repurposing, has raised $16 million in the initial closing of its Series A funding round. The funding will advance PNE's lithium-ion battery recycling technology. Lithium-ion batteries, used in electric vehicles, solar-power backup, and electronic devices, pose sustainability challenges, including human rights risks and environmental damage. PNE's technology utilizes a low-temperature plasma-assisted separation process (LPAS), which significantly reduces costs, environmental waste, and carbon emissions associated with traditional recycling methods. The funds will be used for new recycling facility construction and equipment procurement. The round was led by Wistron Corporation and included investors like Honda Motor Co., GS Futures, and Traxys North America.
普林斯頓新能源(Princeton NuEnergy,簡稱PNE),一家專注於電池材料回收與再利用的清潔技術初創公司,宣布在其A輪融資的首次閉環中籌集了1600萬美元。這筆資金將用於推進公司的鋰離子電池回收技術。鋰離子電池被廣泛應用於電動汽車、太陽能備用電源及電子設備,但其原材料開採面臨著諸多可持續性挑戰,包括人權侵犯風險和環境損害。為了在可再生能源轉型中減少電池的環境損害,企業必須創造出可行、經濟的電池回收方法。PNE使用低溫等離子輔助分離工藝(LPAS),該技術顯著降低了與鋰離子電池回收相關的成本、環境廢物和碳排放。PNE表示,其方法能減少70%的水使用,以及能源和二氧化碳排放量的80%,並與原材料相比降低成本48%,與水冶法電池回收相比降低29%。該公司將利用這筆資金建設新的回收設施並購置設備,以增加處理能力並支持公司運營。
6.High Cost of Decarbonization, ‘Green on Green’ Conflicts Holding Back Progress on Global Net Zero Goals: KPMG Report
A new report by KPMG highlights significant challenges hindering the global goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C. Key obstacles include high public debt, costly clean energy technologies, and increasing energy demands. The "Net Zero Readiness Report 2023," based on insights from climate experts in 24 markets and 6 sectors, reveals that current initiatives are inadequate for meeting these climate objectives. High public debt, especially post-COVID and Ukrainian crisis, limits government spending on green initiatives. The high costs of decarbonization and resistance to mandates, like those for low-emission heating systems, further complicate progress. Additionally, the energy sector faces challenges in transitioning to a low carbon mix, with growing energy needs in countries like China and India leading to continued reliance on fossil fuels. The report also identifies "green on green" conflicts, where environmental preservation clashes with low carbon projects, causing local opposition.