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- ESG International Weekly News 6/12-6/18
ESG International Weekly News 6/12-6/18

1.Ford Opens its First Carbon Neutral Assembly Plant Following $2 Billion Transformation
Ford has announced the opening of its first-ever carbon-neutral vehicle assembly plant in Cologne, Germany, following a $2 billion investment. The Cologne Electric Vehicle Center, formerly Ford's plant in Niehl, has been transformed into a state-of-the-art facility with a new production line, battery assembly, and automation. The plant is set to produce over 250,000 electric vehicles (EVs) annually. The carbon-neutral facility will run on 100% certified renewable electricity and biomethane, with carbon-neutral heat generated through a dedicated steam network. The energy provider plans to reduce emissions by 60% in 2026 and 100% by 2035. This follows Ford's 2021 sustainability goals, including achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and using 100% locally sourced renewable energy globally by 2035.
Mercedes-Benz has announced its intention to source over 200,000 tonnes of CO2-reduced steel annually from European suppliers by 2030 as part of its decarbonization efforts. The automaker will partner with companies like Salzgitter, thyssenkrupp Steel, voestalpine, Arvedi, SSAB, and H2 Green Steel for the supply. This move is in line with the company's "Ambition 2039" strategy that aims to halve lifecycle CO2 emissions per passenger car by 2030 and offer a carbon-neutral new car fleet before the end of the next decade. Mercedes-Benz is looking to achieve a green steel supply chain by 2039 at the latest.
汽車製造商賓士集團今天宣布新目標,到2030年每年從歐洲供應商那裡購買超過20萬噸CO2減排鋼,這是該公司努力使新車隊碳排放中和的一部分。該汽車製造商將從Salzgitter、thyssenkrupp Steel、voestalpine、Arvedi、SSAB和H2 Green Steel等供應商那裡購買鋼材。該公司與Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH和Arvedi有現有的合作夥伴關係,從他們那裡獲得CO2減排鋼,Salzgitter使用電弧爐工藝從廢鋼中生產鋼,比傳統高爐法減少了60%以上的CO2排放。該公司的低碳鋼供應協議代表了實現其"2039年目標"戰略的一個里程碑,該戰略包括到2030年至少將新車隊每輛乘用車的生命周期CO2排放減半,並在下一個十年末之前提供中和碳排放的新車隊。
J.P. Morgan Securities Services has announced the launch of Sustainable Investment Data Solutions, a new platform targeting institutional investors. The platform aims to maximize the value of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data from various sustainable investment data providers, addressing the challenges of using internal and external sustainable investment data. It includes partnerships with data providers such as Bloomberg, Equileap, FactSet, ISS ESG, MSCI, RepRisk, Revelio Labs, S&P Global, and Sustainalytics. Features of the new solution include data normalization, hierarchy management, screening, and calculation.
J.P. Morgan證券服務今日宣布推出「可持續投資數據解決方案」,這是一個針對機構投資者的新平台。該平台旨在使投資者能從多個可持續投資(SI)數據提供商中提取並最大化ESG數據的價值,並解決使用內部和外部SI數據的挑戰。
該新解決方案可在JPMorgan的雲端數據管理、分析和報告平台Fusion上使用,並包括與Bloomberg、Equileap、FactSet、ISS ESG、MSCI、RepRisk、Revelio Labs、S&P Global和Sustainalytics等數據提供商的合作。
4.BlackRock Launches “Brown to Green” Transition-Themed Materials Fund
BlackRock has announced the launch of the BlackRock Global Funds (BGF) Brown to Green Materials Fund. The new fund is designed to target investment opportunities in the materials sector arising from the transition to a low-carbon economy. According to BlackRock, the focus on investing in the low-carbon transition has largely been on renewables and electric vehicles, leaving an overlooked potential in the essential materials for this infrastructure. The fund aims to invest in companies supplying critical transition materials and in carbon-intensive companies with credible transition plans in industries like metals, mining, cement, and construction. The fund will manage a portfolio of 30-60 global companies and is classified as Article 8 under SFDR.
5.Iberdrola, EIB Sign €1 Billion Financing Deal to Build Renewable Energy to Power 1 Million Homes
全球能源提供商 Iberdrola和歐洲投資銀行簽訂了一份價值10億歐元的融資協議,以建設可供100萬戶家庭使用的可再生能源
Global energy provider Iberdrola has announced a €1 billion financing agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the expansion of renewable energy projects across Europe. The financing will support 22 renewable energy projects in Spain, Portugal, and Germany, including 19 solar plants and 3 onshore wind farms. These projects are expected to power over 1 million homes with a total installed capacity of 2.2 GW. This investment aligns with Iberdrola's ambitious plan to nearly double its renewable capacity by 2025 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2040.
全球能源提供商Iberdrola宣布與歐洲投資銀行(EIB)簽署一項10億歐元的融資協議,用於在歐洲擴大可再生能源項目。該融資將支持西班牙、葡萄牙和德國的22個可再生能源項目,包括19個太陽能電廠和3個陸上風力發電廠。這些項目預計將為超過100萬戶住宅提供電力,總裝機容量為2.2 GW。此次投資與Iberdrola的雄心壯志相符,計劃在2025年前將其可再生容量增加近一倍,並在2040年實現淨零排放。