ESG 國際新聞週報 5/27-6/16

June 17,2024
Green and White Minimalist Earth Day Instagram Post-46

1.Less Than 30% of Companies are Ready for Upcoming ESG Assurance Requirements: KPMG Survey

KPMG’s latest ESG Assurance Maturity Index highlights that a majority of large companies are lagging in readiness for upcoming assurance requirements on reported ESG data. This survey, which included 1,000 senior executives and board members from companies with an average revenue of $19 billion, reveals slow progress in preparedness. Despite 100% of companies expecting to meet disclosure standards like ISSB, CSRD, and SEC’s climate rules within two years, the overall readiness has only slightly improved. The survey shows an average maturity index score of 47.6, with 29% of companies being classified as "Leaders". Stakeholder pressure is rising, with 57% citing shareholder activists (up from 49%), and 48% feeling the push from financial markets and investors. Public ESG reporting has surged to 77% of companies, disclosing an average of 10.8 ESG metrics. The report indicates a growing divide between the most and least prepared companies, with "Leaders" increasingly using sophisticated ESG data systems and setting stringent sustainability requirements on their suppliers.


2..Mizuho Launches Collaboration with LSEG to Enable Clients to Invest in Carbon Markets


Mizuho Financial Group from Tokyo has entered into a strategic collaboration with the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) to foster the development of the carbon credit market and enhance client access to carbon market investments and relevant information. This partnership expands on LSEG's initiative from 2022, which created a Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) designation. This designation is specifically for funds and companies listed on LSEG's markets that are engaged in decarbonization projects compliant with internationally recognized standards, expected to produce carbon credits. This effort is designed to support financing for projects aimed at climate change mitigation while providing a stable supply of carbon credits to investors. These carbon credits may be distributed to investors in the form of dividends by the VCM-designated entities.

Under the agreement, Mizuho will facilitate its clients' access to investment opportunities in funds and companies that have received the VCM designation, alongside providing detailed information about the carbon credit market. The partnership underscores both Mizuho's and LSEG's commitment to accelerating decarbonization efforts globally through financial mechanisms like carbon credits, aiming to make a significant contribution to worldwide decarbonization initiatives.

東京的瑞穗金融集團與倫敦證券交易所集團(LSEG)達成戰略合作協議,旨在促進碳信用市場的發展並加強客戶對碳市場投資和相關信息的訪問。此合作在 LSEG 2022 年創建的自願性碳市場(VCM)指定的基礎上進一步發展。此指定專為在 LSEG 市場上市並從事符合國際認可標準的脫碳項目的基金和公司設立,這些項目預期將產生碳信用。此舉旨在支持旨在緩解氣候變化的項目的融資,同時為投資者提供穩定的碳信用供應,這些碳信用可能以股息形式由 VCM 指定實體分發給投資者。

根據協議,瑞穗將便利其客戶投資獲得 VCM 指定的基金和公司的機會,並提供有關碳信用市場的詳細信息。此合作突顯了瑞穗和 LSEG 通過碳信用等金融機制加速全球脫碳努力的承諾,旨在為全球脫碳倡議作出重大貢獻。

3.New EU Sustainable Fund Naming Rules Could Lead to $40 Billion Divestments: Morningstar

A recent Morningstar report indicates that two-thirds of EU funds labeled with ESG-related terms may need to either divest assets or change their names due to new anti-greenwashing guidelines from the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). These guidelines, finalized last month, require funds using sustainability-related terms to ensure at least 80% of their assets contribute directly to sustainability objectives. Additionally, funds must adhere to strict exclusion criteria linked to the Paris Aligned Benchmarks, which involve restrictions on investments in companies heavily involved in fossil fuel production and other environmentally harmful activities.

The study identified about 4,300 mutual funds and ETFs potentially affected by these guidelines, with over 1,600 of these funds currently holding stocks that breach the specified exclusion rules. To comply and retain their ESG labels, these funds would potentially need to divest up to $40 billion in assets. However, many are expected to instead drop ESG labels or pivot to "transition" funds, which are subject to less stringent rules. This significant policy shift is set to reshape the ESG fund landscape in Europe, potentially increasing transparency and investment in genuinely sustainable ventures.



5.Texas Opens Proposals for Offshore Carbon Sequestration Leases

The Texas General Land Office (GLO) has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for leasing 1.1 million acres of state-owned offshore areas in the Gulf of Mexico, specifically for carbon sequestration projects. This initiative targets carbon capture and storage (CCS) from industrial emissions, crucial for climate change mitigation. Proposals are due by August 15, 2024, and will be evaluated based on technical and financial feasibility, previous experience, and environmental safety measures.

Key components of the proposals include detailed plans for CO2 capture, transportation, and injection into sub-seabed geological formations. Applicants must demonstrate proficiency in offshore drilling and compliance with environmental protection standards. The project aims not only to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also to stimulate local economies through job creation and industrial growth.



6.U.S. Plastics Pact Unveils Roadmap 2.0 with Bold Goals to Eliminate Plastic Packaging Waste


The U.S. Plastics Pact has unveiled Roadmap 2.0, an updated strategic initiative designed to mitigate plastic packaging waste and promote a circular economy in the United States. This new plan builds on the original Roadmap to 2025, which aimed to catalyze change in the absence of a federal strategy.

Key Highlights and Progress:

  • Progress from Roadmap to 2025: Significant strides have been made, including reducing problematic plastics from 14% to 8%, increasing recyclable packaging to 47.7%, and boosting post-consumer recycled content to 9.4%. The Pact has grown from 62 to over 130 members.
  • Roadmap 2.0 Ambitions: New targets focus on expanding reuse systems, enhancing design for circularity, eliminating problematic plastics by 2030, improving recycling rates to 50%, and addressing social impacts.
  • Support and Tools: New resources like the PCR Procurement Toolkit and Design for Circularity Playbooks will be published to aid members in meeting these goals.

Future Goals and Implementation:

  • Strategic Implementation: Roadmap 2.0 will start on January 1, 2026, providing members ample time to align with the new objectives. It emphasizes collaboration across sectors and continues to be part of the global effort under the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Plastics Pact Network.
  • Broader Impacts and Innovations: The plan calls for comprehensive changes to how plastics are handled across industries, aiming for substantial reductions in virgin plastic use and enhancing recycling infrastructure.



  • 2025路線圖的進展:已取得重大進展,包括將問題塑料從14%減少到8%,將可回收包裝增加到47.7%,並將消費後回收內容增加到9.4%。該協議已從62個成員增長到130多個。
  • 2.0路線圖的雄心:新目標聚焦於擴大重用系統,加強循環設計,到2030年消除問題塑料,提高回收率至50%,並解決社會影響。
  • 支持與工具:新資源如PCR採購工具包和循環設計手冊將出版,以幫助成員實現這些目標。


  • 戰略實施:2.0路線圖將於2026年1月1日開始,為成員提供充足的時間來配合新目標。它強調跨部門合作,並繼續作為Ellen MacArthur Foundation塑料協議網絡的全球努力的一部分。
  • 更廣泛的影響與創新:該計劃呼籲在整個行業中對塑料的處理方式進行全面變革,旨在大幅減少原生塑料的使用並提升回收基礎設施。