ESG 國際新聞週報6/17-6/23

June 23,2024
Resource:ESG TODAY

1.H&M Invests in Industrial Decarbonization Startup Rondo Energy to Tackle Fashion Supply Chain Emissions
H&M 投資工業去碳化初創企業 Rondo Energy,以解決時尚供應鏈排放問題

H&M Group has embarked on a partnership with California-based Rondo Energy to help decarbonize its supply chain, leveraging Rondo's innovative Heat Battery technology. This technology transforms intermittent renewable energy into continuous high-temperature heat, substituting fossil fuels in industrial processes crucial for fabric production. This initiative is part of H&M’s broader sustainability goals, which include reducing its absolute Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 56% by 2030. The collaboration will assess the potential of implementing Rondo’s Heat Batteries across H&M's global supply chain to significantly cut the carbon footprint of clothing production. H&M has also invested in Rondo through its venture arm, H&M Group Ventures, and has joined Rondo's Strategic Investor Advisory Board, supporting its long-term goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040.

H&M集團已與加州的Rondo Energy建立合作關係,旨在通過Rondo的創新熱電池技術幫助其供應鏈去碳化。這項技術能將間歇性的可再生能源轉換成持續的高溫熱能,以取代生產布料所需工業過程中的化石燃料。此舉是H&M更廣泛可持續發展目標的一部分,包括到2030年將其絕對第一、二和三範疇排放減少56%。合作將評估在H&M全球供應鏈工廠實施Rondo的熱電池的潛力,以顯著降低服裝生產的碳足跡。H&M還通過其風險投資部門H&M集團風險投資對Rondo進行了投資,並加入了Rondo的戰略投資者諮詢委員會,支持其實現2040年淨零排放的長期目標。

2.Microsoft Purchases Carbon Credits Helping U.S. Farmers Adopt Sustainable Agriculture Practices
微軟將購買碳信用額 支持永續農業

ndigo Ag and Microsoft have established a carbon removal purchase agreement, whereby Microsoft will acquire 40,000 tons of carbon credits from Indigo. These credits are generated through regenerative agriculture practices supported by Indigo Ag, which improve soil health and reduce environmental impact. Indigo Ag, established in 2013, provides digital and nature-based solutions to enhance agricultural sustainability. Their carbon program, initiated in 2019, assists farmers in adopting practices that sequester carbon dioxide. This collaboration contributes to Microsoft's broader goal to become carbon negative by 2030, incorporating various sustainable technologies and projects.

Indigo Ag與微軟已建立碳排放購買協議,微軟將從Indigo購買40,000噸碳信用額。這些碳信用額是通過Indigo Ag支持的再生農業實踐生成的,這些實踐改善了土壤健康並減少了環境影響。Indigo Ag成立於2013年,提供數字和基於自然的解決方案來增強農業的可持續性。他們的碳計劃於2019年啟動,協助農民採用能夠吸收二氧化碳的實踐。這次合作有助於微軟實現到2030年達到碳負排放的更廣泛目標,涵蓋了各種可持續技術和項目。

3.EU Council Agrees on New Rules to Tackle Greenwashing in Product Green Claims

The European Council has announced an agreement on proposals to combat greenwashing, which will establish stricter requirements for companies to substantiate their environmental claims. This agreement forms the Council's stance for upcoming negotiations with the EU Parliament on the proposed Green Claims Directive. Introduced by the European Commission in March 2023, this directive responds to studies showing many environmental claims in the EU are misleading or unsubstantiated. It mandates that companies' claims be independently verified and scientifically proven, addressing issues like vague green labels and the misuse of carbon credits for climate-related claims. The directive is part of a broader EU consumer-oriented package promoting environmental and circular economy principles, including updates to various EU directives and the promotion of repair rights.


4.Australia Launches Plans for Mandatory Climate Reporting, Taxonomy, Sustainable Investment Labels

The Australian Treasury has detailed its Sustainable Finance Roadmap, focusing on reforming financial markets to enable the transition to a net-zero economy. Essential features of the Roadmap include mandatory climate-related reporting for medium to large companies, a comprehensive sustainable finance taxonomy, and a sustainable investment labeling system. This follows the November 2023 proposal of the Sustainable Finance Strategy, aligning initially with climate-centric goals and later broadening to encompass more general sustainability issues.

Key milestones laid out in the Roadmap are:

Climate-Related Disclosures: Beginning January 1, 2025, companies will be required to report climate-related financial risks and greenhouse gas emissions throughout their value chains.
Sustainable Finance Taxonomy: The Australian Sustainable Finance Institute (ASFI) is set to finalize the taxonomy by the end of 2024. This taxonomy will focus initially on six critical sectors—electricity, energy, industry, transport, resources, and agriculture—aimed at aiding climate change mitigation efforts.
Sustainable Investment Labels: Starting in early 2025, work will commence on a labeling regime, with formal legislation introduced in 2026 and the system expected to be operational by 2027.
Monitoring and Addressing Greenwashing: The Roadmap includes measures to enhance regulatory capabilities for identifying and managing systemic climate-related financial risks.







5.Amazon Eliminates 15 Billion Plastic Air Pillows in Packaging

Amazon has announced a significant stride in sustainability by replacing 95% of the plastic air pillows used in delivery packaging across North America with paper filler, and aims to completely eliminate these plastic pillows by the end of the year. This change is part of Amazon’s broader commitment to reduce plastic usage, following a successful pilot at its Ohio fulfillment center last year. The paper fillers, made from 100% recycled content, have been tested to offer equal or better product protection and are fully curbside recyclable. This initiative is expected to prevent the use of nearly 15 billion plastic air pillows annually. Pat Lindner, VP of Mechatronics and Sustainable Packaging at Amazon, emphasized the company's ongoing efforts to innovate and prioritize recyclable materials.
