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- ESG 國際新聞週報 11/20-11/26
ESG 國際新聞週報 11/20-11/26

1.Amazon Achieves 100% Recyclable Delivery Packaging in Europe
Amazon has reached a significant milestone in Europe by achieving 100% recyclable delivery packaging, covering all boxes, bags, and envelopes for items sold by Amazon and third-party sellers using Fulfilment by Amazon. Pat Lindner, VP of Mechatronics and Sustainable Packaging at Amazon, highlighted this accomplishment as part of Amazon's commitment to sustainability. Key strategies include using paper-only padded envelopes, reusable delivery bags, and incentives for partners to reduce packaging. Amazon's packaging algorithm minimizes material use, saving 60,000 tons of cardboard yearly. Most Amazon packages now use less cardboard, with a higher proportion of recyclable materials, reflecting the company's ongoing efforts in sustainable packaging.
亞馬遜宣布已在歐洲實現100%可回收的配送包裝,包括所有由亞馬遜和使用亞馬遜履行服務的第三方賣家銷售的商品的盒子、袋子和信封。亞馬遜機電和可持續包裝副總裁Pat Lindner表示,這是亞馬遜長期致力於成為可持續性領導者工作的一部分,公司將繼續投資於創新技術、機器學習和更可持續的材料。亞馬遜採用的策略包括使用僅由紙製成的氣泡信封、可重複使用的配送袋,並為合作夥伴減少包裝提供激勵。該公司的包裝演算法確保在運輸過程中保護產品的同時最小化材料使用,每年節省超過6萬噸的紙板。在其最新的可持續性報告中,亞馬遜表示,只有40%的包裝使用紙板,49%使用“靈活”材料,如紙和可回收塑料信封及袋子,11%使用自己的容器。在討論其可持續包裝創新的博客文章中,亞馬遜指出:“全球的亞馬遜團隊不斷努力改進包裝,採用基於科學的方法減少環境影響,包括投資新材料、流程和技術。
2.EU Parliament Votes to Set Up Carbon Removal Certification System
The European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly (448-65) to establish a certification system for carbon removals. This initiative aims to enhance the use of carbon removals by ensuring high-quality standards and combating greenwashing. This step is part of the European Green Deal, which acknowledges that while reducing greenhouse gas emissions is vital, some emissions will need to be balanced with carbon removals. The certification framework will help ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of various carbon removal methods, ranging from industrial technologies to natural carbon sinks. The European Commission’s proposal for this framework had faced criticism for being too vague, but the new parliamentary position emphasizes adherence to international standards and transparency, including a registry managed by the EU Commission to avoid fraud and double counting.
3.EU Parliament Votes to Push for End of Global Fossil Fuel Subsidies by 2025 at COP28
The European Parliament voted 462-134 in favor of a resolution outlining its position for the upcoming UN COP28 Climate Conference. The resolution calls for the global elimination of fossil fuel subsidies by 2025 and urges the phasing out of fossil fuels as soon as possible, halting new investments in fossil fuel extraction. It also supports the global goal to triple renewable energy and double energy efficiency by 2030. The resolution reflects the need for more decisive action compared to previous UN climate conferences, which have seen limited progress in key climate mitigation areas. It also emphasizes the importance of increased international climate financing, particularly in contributing to the loss and damage fund established at COP27 to aid poorer, vulnerable countries affected by climate change.
4.UK to Invest Over $1.2 Billion to Boost Green Industries
The UK government is investing £960 million (approximately USD$1.2 billion) in green industries to accelerate manufacturing in essential net zero sectors. This investment is part of a £4.5 billion package to support strategic manufacturing sectors between 2025 and 2030, including £2 billion for zero-emission investments in the automotive sector. The funds will be allocated through the Green Industries Growth Accelerator, focusing on offshore wind, electricity networks, nuclear, CCUS, and hydrogen sectors. Additionally, significant reforms are planned to enhance the capacity of the electricity grid, addressing energy transition needs. These reforms aim to halve the time for building high-voltage power lines and significantly reduce delays for grid connections. This initiative responds to the slow rollout and underinvestment in electricity grids, which pose a barrier to achieving global climate goals.
5.LSEG to Launch ESG Data Analytics Platform with ESG.AI
The London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) and Canada-based ESG data technology company ESG.AI have announced a collaboration to launch a new ESG analytics platform. This platform aims to serve major companies, banks, asset managers, and consultants by integrating LSEG’s extensive financial markets data with ESG.AI’s technology. This technology enables real-time ESG data capture, up-to-the-minute ESG scoring, improvement-based guidance, and impact estimation of ESG initiatives. Nicholas Miller, CEO of ESG.AI, highlighted the growing demand for such tools in light of global ESG reporting trends and upcoming EU CSRD regulations. Dr. Barnabas Acs from LSEG emphasized the platform's potential to revolutionize real-time scenario planning and ESG data integration in the industry. Cornelia Andersson of LSEG noted that this platform marks a significant advancement in ESG reporting, merging LSEG's vast data with ESG.AI's innovative solutions to enhance the availability and verification of ESG data.
倫敦證券交易所集團(LSEG)與加拿大環境、社會及治理(ESG)數據技術公司ESG.AI今日宣布新的合作關係,將推出一個新一代的ESG分析平台,面向大型公司、銀行、資產管理者和顧問。這個平台將結合LSEG廣泛的金融市場數據與ESG.AI的平台,後者可實時捕獲ESG數據、計算即時的ESG評分、根據計劃改進提供指導,並估算ESG舉措的影響。ESG.AI的首席執行官Nicholas Miller強調,隨著全球對ESG報告的需求增加以及即將實施的歐盟CSRD法規,該工具需求顯著。LSEG的Dr. Barnabas Acs表示,這個平台將使實時情景規劃和優先排序成為可能,並為ESG數據整合帶來長期期待的規模。LSEG的Cornelia Andersson補充說,這個平台在ESG報告領域是一大進步,將LSEG的豐富數據與ESG.AI的創新平台結合,為市場提供更全面、可驗證的ESG數據。