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- ESG 國際新聞週報 10/2-10/8
ESG 國際新聞週報 10/2-10/8
October 09,2023

Resource:ESG TODAY
1.Coca-Cola Launches 100% Recycled Plastic Bottles in India
Coca-Cola India introduces 100% recycled plastic bottles for its smaller sizes. The new bottles, excluding caps and labels, are made from food-grade rPET by Moon Beverages and SLMG Beverages. These bottles aim to raise recycling awareness among consumers. Following a similar launch for its Kinley brand in June, Coca-Cola's global initiative is to offer 50% recycled content in bottles by 2030 and ensure all packaging is recyclable by 2025. Enrique Ackermann highlighted their commitment to a sustainable future. Moreover, Coca-Cola India provides drop-off points and launched a 'Return and Recycle' program with Zepto, facilitating bottle collection. Additionally, an initiative was introduced to reduce plastic in the 250 ml PET bottles by 40%. Moon Beverages' chairman emphasized the value of PET plastic recycling in India.
可口可樂印度為其小型包裝推出100%回收塑料瓶。由Moon Beverages和SLMG Beverages製造的新瓶,除了瓶蓋和標籤外,都是由食品級rPET製成的,旨在提高消費者的回收意識。繼6月為其Kinley品牌的類似推出後,可口可樂的全球倡議是到2030年為瓶子提供50%的回收内容,並確保到2025年所有包裝都可回收。Enrique Ackermann強調了他們對可持續未來的承諾。此外,可口可樂印度提供了投放點,並與Zepto推出了'Return and Recycle'計劃,促進瓶子收集。還引入了一項減少250 ml PET瓶塑料使用量40%的倡議。Moon Beverages的主席強調了PET塑料在印度回收的價值。
2.EY, Microsoft Launch Green Skills Training Program
EY and Microsoft have jointly launched the "Green Skills Passport", a free online educational program to impart sustainability skills to the youth, aiding them in finding green jobs. This initiative is an extension of their partnership from last year to upskill young people with an emphasis on STEM and sustainability. The program offers a 10-hour online course covering sustainability, entrepreneurship, and other relevant skills. Those who complete the course receive a certificate from EY and Microsoft and gain access to a database of resources for green job searches. The initiative follows successful pilots in the U.S., India, and Bangladesh.
安永和微軟聯手推出了「Green Skills Passport」,這是一個免費的在線教育計劃,旨在為年輕人提供永續技能,幫助他們找到綠領工作。這項計劃是他們去年合作的延續,重點是STEM和永續性的技能培訓。該計劃提供了一個10小時的在線課程,涵蓋了永續、企業家精神和其他相關技能。完成課程的學生將獲得EY和微軟的證書,並可以訪問尋找綠色工作的資源數據庫。此計劃繼在美國、印度和孟加拉國的成功試點之後推出。
3.EU Launches Anti-Dumping Investigation Against Chinese Electric Vehicles
The European Commission has initiated an anti-subsidy investigation into electric vehicles (EVs) imported from China, stating that the influx of heavily subsidized EVs threatens the EU's automotive sector. The move comes after France's urging for an anti-dumping inquiry against Chinese EV firms. However, there are concerns from nations like Germany about potential trade wars. EU Commission's Ursula von der Leyen has mentioned the artificially low prices of Chinese EVs due to "huge state subsidies". The EU foresees its electric vehicle market expanding rapidly in the coming years. The Commission will decide on possible remedies, such as imposing anti-dumping duties, post-investigation.
歐洲委員會今天宣布已正式啟動對從中國進口的電動汽車的反補貼調查,認為大量補貼的EV對歐盟的汽車行業構成了威脅。此舉是在法國多次敦促委員會對中國EV公司發起反傾銷調查後採取的,但如德國等國家警告此舉可能引發貿易戰。Ursula von der Leyen 上個月在其歐盟狀態演講中宣布了此項調查的計劃。歐盟預計其電動汽車市場將在未來幾年內迅速增長。委員會表示,根據調查結果,將決定是否採取補救措施,如對從中國進口的電池電動汽車徵收反傾銷關稅。
4.EU Parliament Adopts European Green Bond Standard
The European Parliament has approved the introduction of a European Green Bond (EuGB) label with a decisive 418-79 vote. This is a move against greenwashing and ensures that funds from investors are directed towards genuine sustainable endeavors. Issuers using the voluntary EuGB label must adhere to rigorous investment and transparency standards, which includes clear communication on the use of bond proceeds. The European market has seen a significant surge in green bond issuances, accounting for almost 60% of the global market. Despite concerns raised by industry groups about potential regulatory strictness causing fragmentation in the global green bond market, the rules have now been set as voluntary, providing some flexibility to issuers. Paul Tang, a European Parliament rapporteur, stated that this decision paves the way for businesses to earnestly pursue green bond issuances and accelerate Europe's transition to a sustainable economy.
歐洲議會已經以418-79的票數決定性地批准引入歐洲綠色債券(EuGB)標籤。這是對抗綠色清洗的舉措,確保投資者的資金被引導到真正的可持續發展努力。使用自願EuGB標籤的發行者必須遵循嚴格的投資和透明度標準,其中包括清晰地溝通債券收益的使用。歐洲市場已經見證了綠色債券發行的顯著增長,佔全球市場的近60%。儘管行業團體對潛在的監管嚴格性表示擔憂,認為這可能會導致全球綠色債券市場的碎片化,但現在規則已被設定為自願性的,為發行者提供了一些靈活性。歐洲議會報告人Paul Tang表示,這一決定為企業鋪平了道路,認真追求綠色債券發行,並加速歐洲向可持續經濟的過渡。
5.BlackRock Launches Climate Transition-Focused Private Debt Fund
BlackRock has introduced its Climate Transition-Oriented Private Debt Fund, focusing on investment opportunities related to transitioning to a low-carbon economy, particularly in middle market companies. The move aligns with increasing demand from clients for transition-centric investment solutions. BlackRock's own survey revealed that a significant 98% of investors are looking to incorporate transition investment objectives into their portfolios. The fund will operate mainly in the European and U.S. middle market direct lending sectors, helping borrowers streamline their climate transition agendas. BlackRock emphasizes the importance of the transition to a low-carbon economy, which they expect to lead to significant shifts in profitability across industries and massive capital reallocation.
1.Coca-Cola Launches 100% Recycled Plastic Bottles in India
Coca-Cola India introduces 100% recycled plastic bottles for its smaller sizes. The new bottles, excluding caps and labels, are made from food-grade rPET by Moon Beverages and SLMG Beverages. These bottles aim to raise recycling awareness among consumers. Following a similar launch for its Kinley brand in June, Coca-Cola's global initiative is to offer 50% recycled content in bottles by 2030 and ensure all packaging is recyclable by 2025. Enrique Ackermann highlighted their commitment to a sustainable future. Moreover, Coca-Cola India provides drop-off points and launched a 'Return and Recycle' program with Zepto, facilitating bottle collection. Additionally, an initiative was introduced to reduce plastic in the 250 ml PET bottles by 40%. Moon Beverages' chairman emphasized the value of PET plastic recycling in India.
可口可樂印度為其小型包裝推出100%回收塑料瓶。由Moon Beverages和SLMG Beverages製造的新瓶,除了瓶蓋和標籤外,都是由食品級rPET製成的,旨在提高消費者的回收意識。繼6月為其Kinley品牌的類似推出後,可口可樂的全球倡議是到2030年為瓶子提供50%的回收内容,並確保到2025年所有包裝都可回收。Enrique Ackermann強調了他們對可持續未來的承諾。此外,可口可樂印度提供了投放點,並與Zepto推出了'Return and Recycle'計劃,促進瓶子收集。還引入了一項減少250 ml PET瓶塑料使用量40%的倡議。Moon Beverages的主席強調了PET塑料在印度回收的價值。
2.EY, Microsoft Launch Green Skills Training Program
EY and Microsoft have jointly launched the "Green Skills Passport", a free online educational program to impart sustainability skills to the youth, aiding them in finding green jobs. This initiative is an extension of their partnership from last year to upskill young people with an emphasis on STEM and sustainability. The program offers a 10-hour online course covering sustainability, entrepreneurship, and other relevant skills. Those who complete the course receive a certificate from EY and Microsoft and gain access to a database of resources for green job searches. The initiative follows successful pilots in the U.S., India, and Bangladesh.
安永和微軟聯手推出了「Green Skills Passport」,這是一個免費的在線教育計劃,旨在為年輕人提供永續技能,幫助他們找到綠領工作。這項計劃是他們去年合作的延續,重點是STEM和永續性的技能培訓。該計劃提供了一個10小時的在線課程,涵蓋了永續、企業家精神和其他相關技能。完成課程的學生將獲得EY和微軟的證書,並可以訪問尋找綠色工作的資源數據庫。此計劃繼在美國、印度和孟加拉國的成功試點之後推出。
3.EU Launches Anti-Dumping Investigation Against Chinese Electric Vehicles
The European Commission has initiated an anti-subsidy investigation into electric vehicles (EVs) imported from China, stating that the influx of heavily subsidized EVs threatens the EU's automotive sector. The move comes after France's urging for an anti-dumping inquiry against Chinese EV firms. However, there are concerns from nations like Germany about potential trade wars. EU Commission's Ursula von der Leyen has mentioned the artificially low prices of Chinese EVs due to "huge state subsidies". The EU foresees its electric vehicle market expanding rapidly in the coming years. The Commission will decide on possible remedies, such as imposing anti-dumping duties, post-investigation.
歐洲委員會今天宣布已正式啟動對從中國進口的電動汽車的反補貼調查,認為大量補貼的EV對歐盟的汽車行業構成了威脅。此舉是在法國多次敦促委員會對中國EV公司發起反傾銷調查後採取的,但如德國等國家警告此舉可能引發貿易戰。Ursula von der Leyen 上個月在其歐盟狀態演講中宣布了此項調查的計劃。歐盟預計其電動汽車市場將在未來幾年內迅速增長。委員會表示,根據調查結果,將決定是否採取補救措施,如對從中國進口的電池電動汽車徵收反傾銷關稅。
4.EU Parliament Adopts European Green Bond Standard
The European Parliament has approved the introduction of a European Green Bond (EuGB) label with a decisive 418-79 vote. This is a move against greenwashing and ensures that funds from investors are directed towards genuine sustainable endeavors. Issuers using the voluntary EuGB label must adhere to rigorous investment and transparency standards, which includes clear communication on the use of bond proceeds. The European market has seen a significant surge in green bond issuances, accounting for almost 60% of the global market. Despite concerns raised by industry groups about potential regulatory strictness causing fragmentation in the global green bond market, the rules have now been set as voluntary, providing some flexibility to issuers. Paul Tang, a European Parliament rapporteur, stated that this decision paves the way for businesses to earnestly pursue green bond issuances and accelerate Europe's transition to a sustainable economy.
歐洲議會已經以418-79的票數決定性地批准引入歐洲綠色債券(EuGB)標籤。這是對抗綠色清洗的舉措,確保投資者的資金被引導到真正的可持續發展努力。使用自願EuGB標籤的發行者必須遵循嚴格的投資和透明度標準,其中包括清晰地溝通債券收益的使用。歐洲市場已經見證了綠色債券發行的顯著增長,佔全球市場的近60%。儘管行業團體對潛在的監管嚴格性表示擔憂,認為這可能會導致全球綠色債券市場的碎片化,但現在規則已被設定為自願性的,為發行者提供了一些靈活性。歐洲議會報告人Paul Tang表示,這一決定為企業鋪平了道路,認真追求綠色債券發行,並加速歐洲向可持續經濟的過渡。
5.BlackRock Launches Climate Transition-Focused Private Debt Fund
BlackRock has introduced its Climate Transition-Oriented Private Debt Fund, focusing on investment opportunities related to transitioning to a low-carbon economy, particularly in middle market companies. The move aligns with increasing demand from clients for transition-centric investment solutions. BlackRock's own survey revealed that a significant 98% of investors are looking to incorporate transition investment objectives into their portfolios. The fund will operate mainly in the European and U.S. middle market direct lending sectors, helping borrowers streamline their climate transition agendas. BlackRock emphasizes the importance of the transition to a low-carbon economy, which they expect to lead to significant shifts in profitability across industries and massive capital reallocation.