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- ESG 國際新聞週報 9/25-10/1
ESG 國際新聞週報 9/25-10/1
October 03,2023

Resource:ESG TODAY,Reuters
1.EU Bans Microplastics in Consumer Products
The European Commission has enacted new measures to combat microplastics pollution. This includes a ban on the sale of many products containing intentionally added microplastics such as cosmetics, detergents, and toys. Microplastics are found in various ecosystems, and their prolonged presence in the environment poses risks to human and animal health. While some products will face immediate restrictions, others have a transitional period ranging from 4-12 years. Despite the potential 20-year cost of €19 billion to stakeholders, the rules are projected to prevent the release of approximately 500,000 tonnes of microplastics.
2.SEC Fines Deutsche Bank Subsidiary DWS $19 Million Following Greenwashing Investigation
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has charged Deutsche Bank's DWS, a major European asset manager, over misleading claims about its ESG investment process. Following a 2-year investigation prompted by allegations from DWS’ former sustainability chief, the SEC imposed a $19 million fine on DWS, the largest greenwashing penalty ever. The investigation came after claims that DWS exaggerated its green or sustainability-focused financial products. The SEC is intensifying scrutiny over funds and advisers' ESG claims to prevent greenwashing. DWS stated they have taken measures to rectify the identified weaknesses and are committed to continuous improvement.
3.$24 Trillion Investor Group Launches Campaign Targeting 100 Companies to Address Biodiversity, Nature Loss
Nature Action 100, an investor group with 190 institutional investors overseeing $24 trillion in assets, has released a list of 100 companies they plan to target to promote corporate action against nature loss and biodiversity decline. This list includes major firms like Amazon, McDonald’s, Nestlé, Walmart, and Glencore. These companies were selected due to their market capitalization and high impact on nature across key sectors, such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and consumer goods retail. The initiative was launched at COP15 in 2022 in response to increasing financial risks tied to biodiversity decline, with over half of global GDP relying on nature's services. The 100 selected companies have been sent letters explaining the risks posed by biodiversity loss and outlining expectations for safeguarding nature. Adam Kanzer of BNP Paribas Asset Management highlighted the global response to the initiative, emphasizing collective efforts to mitigate the risk of nature loss.
Nature Action 100,一個由190家機構投資者組成的投資者團體,管理著24兆美元的資產,公佈了一份100家公司的名單,計劃針對它們進行行動,以促使公司採取行動對抗自然損失和生物多樣性的衰退。這份名單上包括亞馬遜、麥當勞、雀巢、沃爾瑪和嘉能可等大公司。這些公司因其市值和在關鍵行業中對自然的高影響而被選中。該倡議於2022年在COP15上啟動,旨在回應與生物多樣性衰退相關的日益增加的財務風險,超過全球GDP的一半依賴於自然的服務。已向100家被選中的公司發送信件,解釋生物多樣性損失帶來的風險並概述保護自然的期望。BNP Paribas資產管理的Adam Kanzer強調了該倡議的全球回應,並強調集體努力以減少自然損失的風險。
4.LEGO Group Appoints Annette Stube as Chief Sustainability Officer
樂高集團任命Annette Stube為永續長,確認放棄從rPET塑料製造積木的計劃
The LEGO Group has appointed Annette Stube, the current Head of Sustainability at Stora Enso, as its Chief Sustainability Officer, effective January 1, 2024. Concurrently, LEGO confirmed that it is discontinuing plans to produce bricks from rPET plastics from recycled bottles, a key step in its sustainable initiative. Annette's role will focus on leading the company's environmental sustainability strategy and engagements. Last month, LEGO committed to net-zero emissions by 2050 and pledged an investment of over $1.4 billion in environmental initiatives over the next three years. Despite the discontinuation of the rPET bricks project, LEGO remains dedicated to sustainability, targeting products made from sustainable materials by 2032.
樂高集團已任命現任Stora Enso永續發展部主管Annette Stube為首席永續發展官,將於2024年1月1日上任。同時,樂高確認放棄從rPET塑料製造積木的計劃,這是其永續發展計劃的關鍵步驟。Annette的角色將專注於領導公司的環境永續策略和參與。上月,樂高承諾到2050年達到淨零排放,並承諾在接下來的三年內投資超過14億美元於環境計劃。儘管樂高終止了rPET積木計劃,但仍致力於永續目標-到2032年使用永續材料製造產品。
5.Carbon credit market confidence ebbs as big names retreat
For the first time in at least seven years, voluntary carbon markets are showing a decline, with companies like Nestle and Gucci reducing their carbon offset purchases. This contraction comes amidst concerns that some forest protection initiatives failed to deliver on their promised carbon savings. Such a downturn has potential ramifications for developing nations, like Kenya, which have been hoping to capitalize on carbon offset trading. BloombergNEF reported a 6% decrease in carbon credit use by companies in the first half of the year, while consultancy Ecosystem Marketplace observed an 8% decline. Gucci has not commented on its carbon offset position, but Nestle has indicated a move away from carbon offsets towards other net-zero strategies. This shift in strategy comes as some studies highlight challenges in ensuring the effectiveness of certain carbon credit projects. Despite past growth in the voluntary carbon market, its future remains uncertain due to diminished confidence and concerns about "greenwashing."
在至少七年的時間裡,自願碳市場首次出現了衰退,像雀巢和古馳這樣的公司減少了他們的碳抵消購買。這種萎縮是由於擔心某些森林保護計劃未能實現其承諾的碳節省。這種下滑對於開發中國家(如肯尼亞)有可能的影響,它們希望利用碳抵銷交易來賺錢。根據BloombergNEF的數據,今年上半年,公司使用的碳信用減少了6%,而咨詢公司Ecosystem Marketplace在同一時期觀察到8%的下降。Gucci尚未評論其碳抵消立場,但Nestlé已表示將遠離碳抵消,轉向其他淨零策略。隨著某些研究突顯確保某些碳信用項目有效性的挑戰,這種策略變化出現。儘管自願碳市場過去一直在增長,但由於信心減少和對"漂綠"的擔憂,它的未來仍然不確定。
1.EU Bans Microplastics in Consumer Products
The European Commission has enacted new measures to combat microplastics pollution. This includes a ban on the sale of many products containing intentionally added microplastics such as cosmetics, detergents, and toys. Microplastics are found in various ecosystems, and their prolonged presence in the environment poses risks to human and animal health. While some products will face immediate restrictions, others have a transitional period ranging from 4-12 years. Despite the potential 20-year cost of €19 billion to stakeholders, the rules are projected to prevent the release of approximately 500,000 tonnes of microplastics.
2.SEC Fines Deutsche Bank Subsidiary DWS $19 Million Following Greenwashing Investigation
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has charged Deutsche Bank's DWS, a major European asset manager, over misleading claims about its ESG investment process. Following a 2-year investigation prompted by allegations from DWS’ former sustainability chief, the SEC imposed a $19 million fine on DWS, the largest greenwashing penalty ever. The investigation came after claims that DWS exaggerated its green or sustainability-focused financial products. The SEC is intensifying scrutiny over funds and advisers' ESG claims to prevent greenwashing. DWS stated they have taken measures to rectify the identified weaknesses and are committed to continuous improvement.
3.$24 Trillion Investor Group Launches Campaign Targeting 100 Companies to Address Biodiversity, Nature Loss
Nature Action 100, an investor group with 190 institutional investors overseeing $24 trillion in assets, has released a list of 100 companies they plan to target to promote corporate action against nature loss and biodiversity decline. This list includes major firms like Amazon, McDonald’s, Nestlé, Walmart, and Glencore. These companies were selected due to their market capitalization and high impact on nature across key sectors, such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and consumer goods retail. The initiative was launched at COP15 in 2022 in response to increasing financial risks tied to biodiversity decline, with over half of global GDP relying on nature's services. The 100 selected companies have been sent letters explaining the risks posed by biodiversity loss and outlining expectations for safeguarding nature. Adam Kanzer of BNP Paribas Asset Management highlighted the global response to the initiative, emphasizing collective efforts to mitigate the risk of nature loss.
Nature Action 100,一個由190家機構投資者組成的投資者團體,管理著24兆美元的資產,公佈了一份100家公司的名單,計劃針對它們進行行動,以促使公司採取行動對抗自然損失和生物多樣性的衰退。這份名單上包括亞馬遜、麥當勞、雀巢、沃爾瑪和嘉能可等大公司。這些公司因其市值和在關鍵行業中對自然的高影響而被選中。該倡議於2022年在COP15上啟動,旨在回應與生物多樣性衰退相關的日益增加的財務風險,超過全球GDP的一半依賴於自然的服務。已向100家被選中的公司發送信件,解釋生物多樣性損失帶來的風險並概述保護自然的期望。BNP Paribas資產管理的Adam Kanzer強調了該倡議的全球回應,並強調集體努力以減少自然損失的風險。
4.LEGO Group Appoints Annette Stube as Chief Sustainability Officer
樂高集團任命Annette Stube為永續長,確認放棄從rPET塑料製造積木的計劃
The LEGO Group has appointed Annette Stube, the current Head of Sustainability at Stora Enso, as its Chief Sustainability Officer, effective January 1, 2024. Concurrently, LEGO confirmed that it is discontinuing plans to produce bricks from rPET plastics from recycled bottles, a key step in its sustainable initiative. Annette's role will focus on leading the company's environmental sustainability strategy and engagements. Last month, LEGO committed to net-zero emissions by 2050 and pledged an investment of over $1.4 billion in environmental initiatives over the next three years. Despite the discontinuation of the rPET bricks project, LEGO remains dedicated to sustainability, targeting products made from sustainable materials by 2032.
樂高集團已任命現任Stora Enso永續發展部主管Annette Stube為首席永續發展官,將於2024年1月1日上任。同時,樂高確認放棄從rPET塑料製造積木的計劃,這是其永續發展計劃的關鍵步驟。Annette的角色將專注於領導公司的環境永續策略和參與。上月,樂高承諾到2050年達到淨零排放,並承諾在接下來的三年內投資超過14億美元於環境計劃。儘管樂高終止了rPET積木計劃,但仍致力於永續目標-到2032年使用永續材料製造產品。
5.Carbon credit market confidence ebbs as big names retreat
For the first time in at least seven years, voluntary carbon markets are showing a decline, with companies like Nestle and Gucci reducing their carbon offset purchases. This contraction comes amidst concerns that some forest protection initiatives failed to deliver on their promised carbon savings. Such a downturn has potential ramifications for developing nations, like Kenya, which have been hoping to capitalize on carbon offset trading. BloombergNEF reported a 6% decrease in carbon credit use by companies in the first half of the year, while consultancy Ecosystem Marketplace observed an 8% decline. Gucci has not commented on its carbon offset position, but Nestle has indicated a move away from carbon offsets towards other net-zero strategies. This shift in strategy comes as some studies highlight challenges in ensuring the effectiveness of certain carbon credit projects. Despite past growth in the voluntary carbon market, its future remains uncertain due to diminished confidence and concerns about "greenwashing."
在至少七年的時間裡,自願碳市場首次出現了衰退,像雀巢和古馳這樣的公司減少了他們的碳抵消購買。這種萎縮是由於擔心某些森林保護計劃未能實現其承諾的碳節省。這種下滑對於開發中國家(如肯尼亞)有可能的影響,它們希望利用碳抵銷交易來賺錢。根據BloombergNEF的數據,今年上半年,公司使用的碳信用減少了6%,而咨詢公司Ecosystem Marketplace在同一時期觀察到8%的下降。Gucci尚未評論其碳抵消立場,但Nestlé已表示將遠離碳抵消,轉向其他淨零策略。隨著某些研究突顯確保某些碳信用項目有效性的挑戰,這種策略變化出現。儘管自願碳市場過去一直在增長,但由於信心減少和對"漂綠"的擔憂,它的未來仍然不確定。