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- ESG 國際新聞週報 7/2-7/8
ESG 國際新聞週報 7/2-7/8

1.EU Sets Sites on Fast Fashion with New Rules Making Producers Pay for Textile Waste
The European Commission has proposed new guidelines for more sustainable textile waste management, assigning producers with the responsibility for the entire lifecycle of their products. The proposal is in response to the significant environmental impact of textile consumption, which is the fourth largest contributor to climate change after food, housing, and transportation. With the EU generating 12.6 million tonnes of textile waste annually, with only 22% being reused or recycled, the new rules include mandatory Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes. Under these schemes, producers will cover waste management costs based on their products' environmental performance, thereby promoting less wasteful and more circular production processes. The rules also tackle the illegal export of textile waste, ensuring that it will be managed in an environmentally responsible way.
2.Estée Lauder Launches Responsible Store Design Framework
Estée Lauder Companies (ELC) has launched a new initiative named Responsible Store Design program, aimed at making their new and existing stores more sustainable. The program focuses on waste reduction, water and energy conservation, and responsible material sourcing. ELC has set numerous environmental goals, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to electric vehicles, and decreasing the use of virgin petroleum plastic in packaging. The program has certain prerequisites that brands must meet based on their retail space and store type. The program also includes specific standards for visual merchandising to increase sustainability. The initiative is part of ELC’s strategy to promote their commitment to sustainability to employees and consumers.
Mizuho, a Tokyo-based banking and financial services company and a subsidiary of the Mizuho Financial Group, has significantly increased its sustainable finance goal from JPY 25 trillion to JPY 100 trillion ($700 billion) for the period 2019 to 2030. Half of this will go towards environmental and climate change-related finance. This forms part of Mizuho’s new medium-term business plan, which centers on personal well-being and achieving a sustainable society and economy. Additionally, Mizuho plans to issue a $1.4 billion green bond, its largest to date.
位於東京的瑞穗銀行,是日本最大的金融集團之一 - 瑞穗金融集團的子公司,已經公布了其在可持續性金融目標方面的重大增加。該銀行現在計劃在2019年至2030年間促成100兆日元(7000億美元)的可持續金融,這比其2020年設定的目標25兆日元有了顯著增加。在總額中,將有50兆日元將投入到與環境和氣候變化相關的金融中。這個目標是瑞穗的新中期商業計劃的一部分,該計劃強調個人福祉和建立可持續的社會和經濟。該銀行還計劃發行14億美元的綠色債券,這是迄今為止其最大的一筆。
4.Biden Announces $1 Billion Investment in Clean Hydrogen “Demand-Side” Initiative
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) plans to invest $1 billion in a clean hydrogen initiative to support the development of Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs (H2Hubs) and mitigate investment risks for clean hydrogen projects. This follows the Biden Administration's recent U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap, which aims to increase the production, use, and distribution of low carbon hydrogen in energy-intensive industries. The Biden administration sees clean hydrogen, particularly green hydrogen, as a crucial element of its climate strategy. The DOE's newly announced program will provide revenue certainty through mechanisms like pay-for-delivery contracts and feasibility funding, helping to foster private investment in the sector.
5.International Agreement Reached to Cut Shipping Emissions to Net Zero “Around” 2050
The International Maritime Organization (IMO), a UN agency comprising 175 member states responsible for developing global shipping standards, has adopted the "2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships". The strategy sets new targets for achieving net-zero emissions from international shipping around 2050 and promoting the use of low GHG emission fuels by 2030. The maritime shipping sector accounts for approximately 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions and poses significant challenges for emissions reduction. The new strategy represents a significant increase from the IMO's previous goal of a 50% reduction in emissions by 2050. Despite this, environmental groups have criticized the strategy as inadequate to meet global climate goals.