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- ESG 國際新聞週報 3/27-4/2
ESG 國際新聞週報 3/27-4/2

1.Canada Announces Over $80 Billion Clean Tech & Energy Investments to Compete with U.S. Inflation Reduction Act
Canada has proposed over $80 billion in tax credits and sustainable infrastructure investments in its 2023 budget to compete with the US Inflation Reduction Act and other global efforts to scale up green energy and clean tech manufacturing capacity. The budget includes a Clean Energy Investment Tax Credit worth over $25 billion and proposals for nearly $18 billion in investments in clean hydrogen production and more than $11 billion in clean manufacturing technology investments. Additionally, the Canada Infrastructure Bank will invest at least $10 billion in clean energy and another $10 billion in green infrastructure. The budget acknowledges the need for Canada to respond to remain competitive in the global transition and capitalize on new opportunities in North American supply chains for clean energy and technologies.
2.Texas Anti-ESG Investing Bill Faces Pushback Over $6 Billion Cost to Pensions
A proposed bill in Texas that seeks to ban ESG investing in the state’s public retirement investment system may cost the pension system billions in lost returns, according to estimates from retirement system managers. The bill, SB 1446, includes a proposal that would prohibit investment managers from working for state pension systems if they have been determined to take “action or considers a factor in managing assets of a public retirement system that furthers, through company engagement, board or shareholder votes, or otherwise, any social, political, or ideological interest beyond what federal or state law requires.” Texas has been one of the most active states in anti-ESG initiatives, and the proposed legislation marks the latest in a series of anti-ESG moves in Republican states. Many other states have faced similar pushback over the cost and estimated lost returns likely to result from these anti-ESG initiatives.
德克薩斯州提出的一項立法旨在禁止ESG投資在該州的公共退休投資系統,估計將導致退休制度管理員損失數十億美元。該法案SB 1446由參議員Bryan Hughes在本月早些時候提交,其中一項提議將禁止投資經理或代理顧問在州退休制度工作,如果他們已被確定在管理公共退休制度資產時採取了“行動或考慮了社會、政治或意識形態利益,超出聯邦或州法律所要求的範圍”。
該法案是共和黨州反ESG行動系列的最新舉措,其中包括上個月成立了一個多州聯盟,旨在“保護個人免受ESG運動的影響”,通過行動阻止在州和地方層面使用ESG,在州基金經理人在代表州進行投資時禁止考慮ESG因素。德克薩斯州一直是反ESG倡議行動最活躍的州之一,包括幾個月來將其他一些資產管理公司列入潛在減持名單中,理由是他們涉嫌“抵制”能源公司,以及進行一次聽證會,由參議員Hughes主持,對投資巨頭BlackRock和State Street的ESG和與氣候相關的管理、投票和投資實踐進行嚴厲盤問。
在德克薩斯州參議院國家事務委員會本週討論該法案時,德州縣和區退休制度(TCDRS)的執行董事Amy Bishop提出了擔憂,認為這些提議將損害組織的“最大化收益能力,對我們的雇主造成財務影響”。儘管聲明TCDRS“從未有ESG政策”,也沒有意圖建立一個,但Bishop說該法案“將使我們無法與一些全球最佳的投資經理合作”。Bishop補充說:“如果我們不得不調整資產配置,我們估計在未來10年內可能會損失超過60億美元。
3.JPMorgan Builds Out Sustainable Growth Private Equity Team
J.P. Morgan Private Capital has hired Alex Bell as a Partner for its Sustainable Growth Equity (SGE) platform, deepening the team's climate solutions expertise and expanding its reach in European markets. The SGE platform focuses on investing in companies that drive resource efficiency and climate adaptation solutions across a range of industries that account for the bulk of greenhouse gas emissions. Bell previously served as Head of North America Climate Private Equity at Tikehau Capital, where he was responsible for all stages of investing across sourcing, diligence, structuring, execution, and fundraising. The SGE platform has already invested in companies such as MineSense Technologies and Arcadia.
J.P. Morgan Private Capital宣布任命Alex Bell為其Sustainable Growth Equity(SGE)平台的合夥人,進一步加強該團隊在氣候解決方案方面的專業知識,並擴大在歐洲市場的影響力。SGE是J.P. Morgan Asset Management的可持續發展重點後期風險投資和增長股權投資部門,專注於投資推動資源效率和氣候適應解決方案的最佳公司。這些行業包括交通和供應鏈、房地產和建築環境、工業和制造業以及食品和農業等,它們占溫室氣體排放的大部分。 Bell曾在Tikehau Capital擔任北美氣候私人股權主管,負責所有交易階段,包括資金籌集。在加入Tikehau之前,他曾在Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec(CDPQ)工作,擔任可持續投資總監,領導CDPQ的5億美元可持續投資創新平台的投資,投資於後期VC和早期增長公司的可持續食品和農業、能源轉型和循環經濟。
4.EU Adopts Rules Requiring Zero Emissions from New Cars by 2035 After Reaching Deal on e-fuels
The European Council has adopted a new regulation that requires a 100% reduction in CO2 emissions from new cars and vans registered in the EU from 2035. The regulation is part of the European Commission's "Fit for 55" roadmap, which aims to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The new regulation also includes interim targets for a 55% reduction in CO2 emissions for new cars and 50% for new vans by 2030. The agreement had faced challenges, with Germany asking for assurance that combustion engines would still be allowed past the 2035 deadline, provided that they run on carbon neutral fuels or "e-fuels." The regulation now contains a reference to e-fuels, and the commission will make a proposal for registering vehicles running exclusively on CO2-neutral fuels, after 2035.
歐洲理事會宣布通過一項新法規,要求從2035年開始在歐盟註冊的新車和貨車CO2排放量要減少100%。該法規是歐洲委員會“Fit for 55”路線圖的重要一環,該路線圖旨在將溫室氣體排放量從1990年的水平降低55%,以實現氣候中立。該法規還包括了中期目標,即到2030年,新車的CO2排放量減少55%,新貨車則減少50%。此協議曾面臨挑戰,德國要求確保燃油發動機仍可在2035年之後使用,只要它們使用碳中和燃料或“e燃料”。該法規現在包括對e燃料的參考,委員會將提出建議,註冊使用排放量完全為CO2中性燃料的車輛,並符合歐盟法律,且符合歐盟實現氣候中立的目標。
5.Nestlé Invests in Texas Solar Project to Power U.S. Manufacturing雀巢投資德克薩斯太陽能項目為美國製造業提供電力
Food and beverage company Nestlé announced its investment in Enel North America’s Ganado solar project in Texas, along with a 15-year agreement to purchase 100% of the renewable electricity attributes generated by the project. Nestlé plans to use the purchased energy to help power its U.S. manufacturing facilities, as part of its time-bound net zero roadmap to transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2025 and halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. The Ganado project, covering over 600 hectares, is expected to add 208 MW of solar electricity to the U.S. power grid and become operational in Q2 2023, with Nestlé as the project’s sole tax equity investor.
全球食品飲料巨頭Nestlé宣布投資於Enel North America的位於德克薩斯州Ganado的太陽能項目,並與其達成了一項協議,購買該項目估計每年平均產生333,000兆瓦時可再生電力的100%可再生電力屬性,並簽署15年的合約。Nestlé計劃利用購買的能源幫助為其美國制造工廠供電,作為其時限內實現淨零目標的一部分,到2025年過渡到100%可再生電力並到2030年將溫室氣體排放量減半。Ganado項目橫跨600多公頃,預計將向美國電網增加208兆瓦的太陽能電力,並將於2023年第二季度投入運營,Nestlé成為該項目的唯一稅收公平性投資法人。