ESG 國際新聞週報 8/14 - 8/20

August 21,2024
Source: ESG NEWS

1. GM Signs its Largest Renewable Energy Deal

General Motors (GM) has signed a 15-year renewable energy purchase agreement with NorthStar Clean Energy to power three of its assembly plants. This deal is GM's largest power purchase agreement and a significant step toward its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2040. With this agreement, GM now has sourcing deals from 17 renewable energy plants across 11 states, positioning it as the automotive industry's largest buyer of renewable power by capacity. The new agreement will specifically support GM's assembly plants in Michigan and Missouri. Both GM and NorthStar emphasized their commitment to sustainability and advancing a renewable energy future.

通用汽車 (GM) 已簽署一項為期15年的可再生能源購買協議,與 NorthStar Clean Energy 合作,為其三個裝配廠供電。這是 GM 最大的電力購買協議,也是實現2040年碳中和目標的重要一步。通過此協議,GM 現已與來自11個州的17個可再生能源電廠達成了供應協議,成為汽車業中最大的可再生電力買家。該新協議將專門支持 GM 位於密歇根州和密蘇里州的裝配廠。GM 和 NorthStar 均強調了其對可持續性和推動可再生能源未來的承諾。

2. Microsoft Unveils New Multi-Framework ESG Reporting Solution
   微軟推出全新多框架 ESG 報告解決方案

Microsoft has introduced Project ESG Reporting, a new tool designed to help companies create, review, and approve ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reports across multiple standards and frameworks. This solution addresses the complexity of ESG reporting due to the lack of global standardization, providing templates for various reporting frameworks and allowing for custom template creation. Key features include integration with Microsoft's Sustainability Manager, collaboration workflows, and the ability to generate disclosures in Excel. Alongside this, Microsoft also announced new features in Sustainability Manager to support data traceability, auditability, and emissions reporting.

微軟推出了 Project ESG Reporting 這項新工具,旨在幫助企業在多個標準和框架下創建、審核和批准 ESG(環境、社會和治理)報告。此解決方案針對 ESG 報告因缺乏全球標準化而產生的複雜性,提供了各種報告框架的模板,並允許自訂模板的創建。主要功能包括與微軟的 Sustainability Manager 整合、協作流程以及在 Excel 中生成披露報告的能力。此外,微軟還宣布在 Sustainability Manager 中新增功能,以支持數據可追溯性、審計性和排放報告。

3. Texas Adds NatWest to Divestment List for “Boycotting” Energy Companies
    德州將 NatWest 列入撤資名單,理由是其「抵制」能源公司。

The Texas Comptroller’s office has added UK-based financial services group NatWest to a list of financial companies that may face divestment by the state’s pension funds for allegedly "boycotting" oil and gas companies. This move is part of a broader anti-ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) trend in Republican-led states, with Texas being a prominent player due to its significant role in the U.S. energy sector. NatWest joins a growing list, which now includes 16 companies, targeted for their policies perceived as hostile to the oil and gas industry. The decision follows changes in NatWest’s financing policy, specifically regarding reserve-based lending for oil and gas activities. Despite Texas's strong stance, there is concern about the financial impact of such anti-ESG measures, with estimates suggesting significant potential losses for the state's retirement systems.

德州審計長辦公室已將位於英國的金融服務集團 NatWest 列入可能面臨該州養老基金撤資的金融公司名單,理由是其涉嫌「抵制」石油和天然氣公司。此舉是共和黨主導州內更廣泛反 ESG(環境、社會和治理)趨勢的一部分,而德州因其在美國能源部門的重要角色而成為其中的主要參與者。NatWest 加入了目前包含16家公司的名單,這些公司因其被認為對石油和天然氣行業不利的政策而被列入。此決定是基於 NatWest 在油氣活動相關的儲備貸款政策變更作出的。儘管德州立場強硬,但也有人擔憂此類反 ESG 措施可能對州養老系統造成的財務影響,估計可能導致該州養老系統的潛在損失。

4. BlackRock, Temasek Decarbonization Fund Leads $31 Million Capital Raise for AI-Powered Factory Optimization Platform Guidewheel
   貝萊德(BlackRock)與淡馬錫(Temasek)脫碳基金領導一項為人工智慧驅動的工廠優化平台 Guidewheel 籌集的 3100 萬美元資金募集。

Guidewheel, an AI-powered factory optimization platform, has raised $31 million in a Series B funding round led by BlackRock and Temasek's Decarbonization Partners. Founded in 2018, Guidewheel helps factories enhance performance, efficiency, and sustainability by providing real-time data and analytics through its "FactoryOps" platform. The platform uses sensors to monitor factory machinery, enabling data-driven decisions and predictive maintenance. The new funds will be used to scale the platform and introduce new features like the AI-powered Scout for predictive maintenance. Other investors include Ecolab, Rethink Impact, and GSBackers.

Guidewheel 是一個由人工智慧驅動的工廠優化平台,最近在由貝萊德和淡馬錫的脫碳合作夥伴基金領導的 B 輪融資中籌集了 3100 萬美元。Guidewheel 成立於 2018 年,透過其 "FactoryOps" 平台,幫助工廠提升性能、效率和可持續性,提供實時數據和分析。該平台使用傳感器來監控工廠機械,從而支持數據驅動的決策和預測性維護。新資金將用於擴展該平台並引入新的功能,如 AI 驅動的 Scout 預測性維護工具。其他投資者包括 Ecolab、Rethink Impact 和 GSBackers。

5. Goldman Sachs Asset Management Exits Climate Action 100+
   高盛資產管理公司退出了「Climate Action 100+」倡議。

Goldman Sachs Asset Management has withdrawn from Climate Action 100+ (CA100+), an investor network focused on reducing corporate greenhouse gas emissions, amid increasing political pressure in the U.S. on participants in such ESG initiatives. This move follows similar exits by other asset managers due to concerns over anti-ESG scrutiny, particularly from Republican leaders. CA100+ has faced criticism for allegedly "boycotting" energy companies and possibly violating U.S. antitrust laws. Despite the departures, CA100+ remains committed to addressing climate risks in investments, though it regrets the growing politicization of its mission.

高盛資產管理公司已退出「Climate Action 100+」(CA100+),這是一個專注於減少企業溫室氣體排放的投資者網絡,此舉是在美國對參與此類 ESG 倡議的壓力增加的情況下作出的。此舉跟隨了其他資產管理公司因擔憂反 ESG 審查,特別是來自共和黨領導人的壓力而做出的類似退出。CA100+ 因涉嫌「抵制」能源公司和可能違反美國反壟斷法而受到批評。儘管有這些退出,CA100+ 仍然致力於在投資中應對氣候風險,但對其使命被日益政治化表示遺憾。