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- ESG 國際新聞週報 1/29-2/5
ESG 國際新聞週報 1/29-2/5

1.Texas Bans Barclays from Bond Market over Bank’s ESG Policies
德州由於巴克萊的ESG 政策禁止承銷債券市場
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has taken a definitive stance against Barclays, a prominent UK-based bank, by prohibiting its participation as an underwriter in the state's municipal bond market. This action stems from Barclays' failure to disclose detailed information about its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies upon request by the Texas government. The move is part of Texas' broader campaign against the ESG movement, which the state views as potentially detrimental to its critical energy sector, heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Texas, a leading energy supplier in the U.S., has initiated several measures to counteract what it perceives as the financial industry's ESG-driven disinvestment from traditional energy sources. The state has been vigilant in identifying and taking action against financial institutions that align their investment strategies with ESG principles, fearing such practices could lead to a boycott of the fossil fuel industry. This ban on Barclays underscores Texas' commitment to safeguarding its economic interests against the perceived threats of ESG policies, illustrating the state's broader resistance to ESG influences that it believes could undermine its energy sector and, by extension, its economy.
德州州長律師肯帕克斯頓宣布,由於英國巴克萊銀行未能回應有關其環境、社會及治理(ESG)政策的信息請求,該州已禁止該銀行參與德州市政債券市場的承銷活動。這一行動是美國共和黨政治人物持續反ESG運動的最新舉措之一,德州在反ESG倡議中是最活躍的州之一,採取的行動包括將數家資產管理公司列入潛在撤資名單,理由是它們“抵制”能源公司,並加入多州聯盟以“保護個人免受ESG運動的影響”,通過諸如在州和地方層面禁止使用ESG進行所有投資決策,以及禁止州基金經理在代表州的投資中考慮ESG因素等行動。德州是美國最大的淨能源供應州,根據美國能源信息管理局(EIA)的數據,提供了該國近四分之一的國內生產能源,並佔全國原油證實儲量和產量的40%以上。德州州長辦公室(OAG)的聲明中指出,由於巴克萊參與了一個淨零聯盟,被認定為潛在的“化石燃料抵制者”,並在11月份與其他銀行一起被發送信件,請求提供更多有關其ESG承諾的信息。OAG表示,巴克萊通知律師將無法回應該查詢,導致裁決“在進一步通知之前,我們將不批准任何巴克萊購買或承銷的公共證券,或與公共證券有關的承包合約。” OAG補充說,“我們尚未聽到任何其他正在審查的銀行表示他們將無法回應我們的詢問。” 帕克斯頓說:“州長律師辦公室將繼續積極執行我們的法律,防止納稅人資金流向那些其‘ESG’政策損害德州人或德州關鍵產業的公司。” 雖然巴克萊是淨零銀行聯盟的成員,該聯盟的承諾包括將貸款和投資組合轉型以符合2050年淨零路徑並設定中期融資排放減少目標,但該銀行因持續對石油和天然氣融資而受到投資者和以可持續性為重點的團體的審查。
2.Brookfield Raises $10 Billion for Climate Transition Fund
私募基金Brookfield募資100 億美元投資氣候轉型
Brookfield Asset Management announced the successful first close of its second global private equity fund, the Brookfield Global Transition Fund (BGTF II), raising $10 billion. This fund is aimed at investments accelerating the transition to a net-zero economy. Launched last year, BGTF II is on track to surpass its predecessor, which closed at $15 billion, making it the largest private fund dedicated to the net-zero economy. The significant fundraising reflects the growing acceleration in transition opportunities globally. Co-led by Mark Carney and Connor Teskey, the fund targets investments in decarbonization technologies, clean power for the tech sector, new industrial supply chains, and technologies for industrial decarbonization. Brookfield focuses on expanding clean energy, transforming carbon-intensive sectors, and accelerating sustainable solutions. Investments so far include a major UK wind farm developer and a solar partnership in India, with the aim to complete fundraising by Q3 this year. The inaugural fund's capital is largely deployed in renewable power and carbon capture, among other areas, aiming for substantial avoided emissions.
布魯克菲爾德資產管理宣布其第二個全球私募股權基金——布魯克菲爾德全球轉型基金(BGTF II)首次募集成功,籌集了100億美元。該基金旨在加速過渡到淨零經濟的投資。去年推出的BGTF II正軌道超越其前身,後者在2022年6月最終募集了150億美元,成為專注於淨零經濟的最大私募基金。這次顯著的募資反映了全球轉型機會的加速增長。基金由馬克·卡尼和康納·特斯基共同領導,目標投資於去碳化技術、為科技部門提供乾淨能源、建立全新的工業供應鏈以及工業去碳化所需的技術。布魯克菲爾德專注於擴大清潔能源、將碳密集型行業轉型為更可持續的商業模式,以及加速可持續解決方案。迄今為止的投資包括收購英國最大的獨立陸上風電開發商和運營商之一,以及在印度的太陽能發展合作夥伴關係,目標在今年第三季度完成基金募集。該公司表示,首個基金的資本已大量部署或承諾,投資範圍涵蓋可再生能源、業務轉型、碳捕獲和儲存、可再生天然氣和核服務機會。布魯克菲爾德補充說,所有投資都遵循科學基礎的行業淨零路徑管理,該基金預計達到的避免排放量將超過紐約市、倫敦和多倫多的年度總排放量。
3.ECB Announces Increased Focus on Climate Risk, Green Transition
The European Central Bank (ECB) has announced its decision to expand its climate change efforts with a new "climate and nature plan 2024-2025." This plan serves as a roadmap for the next two years, aiming to address the increasing impacts of the climate crisis on the economy and financial system. The plan will focus on the implications and risks associated with the green transition, the physical risks of climate change, and the dangers stemming from nature loss and degradation. ECB President Christine Lagarde highlighted the necessity of adapting to changes forced by a hotter climate and the degradation of natural capital to fulfill the bank's mandate. Following its 2022 commitment to elevate climate change efforts as a supervisory priority, the ECB plans to assess banks' climate risks, review compliance with climate risk disclosure requirements, and examine reputational and litigation risks. The new roadmap includes actions like analyzing the effects of transition funding, assessing green investment needs, and advancing macroeconomic modeling with a climate focus. The ECB will also integrate climate change impacts into its macroeconomic projections, improve data for physical risk analysis, and explore climate adaptation's economic and financial impacts. Additionally, the ECB is set to update its Environmental Management Programme to meet its 2030 carbon reduction targets, including eco-design principles for euro banknotes and environmental considerations in the design of a digital euro.
4.U.S. Invests $254 Million in Industrial Decarbonization Projects, Technologies
The U.S. Department of Energy has announced over $250 million in investments to further decarbonize the industrial sector. This includes $171 million allocated to 49 projects aimed at reducing industrial greenhouse gas emissions and an additional $83 million in funding for applications targeting sectors that are difficult to decarbonize, such as chemicals, steel, food, and buildings. This initiative is part of the Biden administration's climate agenda, with the industrial sector responsible for about a third of U.S. emissions. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) support these efforts with nearly $500 billion in climate-focused investments. U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm emphasized the importance of keeping America's industrial sector competitive and advancing clean energy futures. The funding will support a range of projects, including decarbonization in iron and steel production, high-volume chemical manufacturing, industrial heat and thermal processes, low carbon fuel utilization, and cement and concrete technologies. The $83 million funding opportunity focuses on applied research and development for high-emitting sectors, crucial for decarbonizing supply chains.
5.Moody’s Forecasts Resilient Sustainable Bond Market, with Cleantech Investment Offset by Soft Macro Environment
Moody's Investors Service reports a modest increase in green, social, sustainability, and sustainability-linked (GSSS) bond issuances in 2023, reaching $946 billion from $925 billion in 2022, maintaining a 14% share of the overall bond market. Growth in Europe and Asia Pacific offset declines in North America, where sustainable bond volumes fell by over 20% to $110 billion. For 2024, the GSSS market is expected to stay steady at around $950 billion, supported by investment in green technologies despite higher interest rates and economic slowdown. Europe remains the largest market, with sustainable bonds making up 20% of total issuances, growing to $428 billion. Asia Pacific also showed strong performance, with $234 billion issued in 2023. North American volumes are expected to bottom out in 2024, potentially boosted by the Inflation Reduction Act. Green bond volumes are projected to modestly increase to $580 billion in 2024, while social bond volumes may slightly decrease. Sustainability-linked bond issuance is expected to see a modest decline. Factors supporting the GSSS market include emerging regulatory standards, like the European Green Bonds label, and increasing reliance on sustainable finance by sovereign emerging markets to fund climate plans.