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- ESG 國際新聞週報 1/8-1/14
ESG 國際新聞週報 1/8-1/14
January 16,2024

Resource:ESG TODAY
1.Renewable Energy Growth Jumps by 50% in 2023, On Track to Overtake Coal Next Year: IEA
可再生能源增长2023年提升50%,預計明年將超越煤碳:國際能源署 (IEA)
In 2023, renewable energy capacity experienced significant growth, with a global increase of 510 GW, a 50% rise from 2022. A report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) revealed that China played a crucial role in driving this growth. The world is now on track to increase renewables capacity by 2.5 times by 2030, aligning with the goal set at the COP28 climate conference to triple renewable energy capacity by the end of the decade. The IEA Executive Director, Fatih Birol, stated that while progress is being made, more needs to be done to reach the COP28 goal.
China was a major contributor to global renewables growth, adding as much solar PV capacity in one year as the entire world did in 2022. China also increased its wind power capacity by nearly two-thirds and accounted for 90% of the IEA's upward forecast revision. Solar PV capacity constituted the majority of capacity additions worldwide in 2023, and it is expected that solar PV and onshore wind installations will become more competitive due to declining costs, surpassing coal and natural gas alternatives by 2028.
Other regions, including the U.S., EU, and Brazil, also achieved record increases in renewable energy capacity. However, there are challenges to overcome to meet the COP28 goal, such as policy uncertainty, insufficient investment in grid infrastructure, administrative barriers, and inadequate financing in emerging and developing economies. Rapid scaling up of financing and deployment in these economies will be crucial for achieving the tripling goal.
2023年,可再生能源容量經歷了數十年來最強勁的增長,全球新增容量增加了510 GW,較2022年增長50%。根據國際能源署(IEA)今天發布的新報告,中國成為全球增長的關鍵推動力。這一報告名為“可再生能源2023”。
IEA執行董事法蒂赫·比洛爾(Fatih Birol)表示:
“新的IEA報告顯示,根據當前政策和市場條件,全球可再生能源容量已經朝著2030年增加2.5倍的目標前進。這還不足以達到COP28的三倍可再生能源目標,但我們正在更近一步 - 政府具備關閉差距所需工具。”
就類型而言,太陽能光伏占據了2023年全球新增容量的絕大多數,未來,由於新太陽能光伏和陸上風電安裝成本不斷下降,它們預計將變得更具競爭力,幾乎所有的風電和太陽能光伏容量部署都預計將在2028年以前比煤炭和天然氣等替代品提供更低的發電成本,根據IEA的預測。與此形成鮮明對比的是,到2028年,IEA對離岸風電的前景在中國以外的地區下調了15%,這是由於更高的投資成本導致了2023年取消或推遲了150 GW的項目。
2.BMW to Produce only All-Electric Vehicles at Munich Plant from 2027
BMW Group has announced that its Munich plant, which has been in operation since 1922, will transition to manufacturing only all-electric vehicles, with the transformation set to be completed by the end of 2027. The Munich plant, which initially produced aircraft engines and later motorcycles and automobiles, currently produces around 1,000 vehicles per day, with roughly half of them being all-electric.
Starting in 2026, the Munich plant will produce BMW's Neue Klasse electric sedan, which is expected to feature a redefined IT and software architecture, new high-performance electric drivetrains and batteries, and a strong emphasis on sustainability throughout the vehicle's lifecycle.
To prepare for this transformation, BMW will invest €650 million in the Munich plant. This investment will include the construction of four new buildings, including a new vehicle assembly line with logistics areas and a new body shop.
Peter Weber, Director of BMW Group Plant Munich, highlighted the adaptability and innovation of the Munich plant, comparing the transformation to the Neue Klasse with the plant's reinvention in the 1960s.
BMW's decision to transition its Munich plant to all-electric vehicle production aligns with its broader commitment to combat climate change. In 2021, BMW announced goals to significantly reduce vehicle emissions throughout their lifecycle, reduce CO2 emissions by 40% per vehicle by 2030, and achieve a minimum of 50% of its global sales from battery electric vehicles by 2030. The company has also indicated that it may reach the 50% global EV sales target earlier than 2030.
Milan Nedeljković, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Production, emphasized the Munich plant's adaptability and ability to simultaneously deliver current production while shaping the future of electric vehicle manufacturing within BMW's production network.
從2026年開始,該工廠將生產寶馬的Neue Klasse電動轎車,該公司表示將具有完全重新定義的IT和軟件架構、新一代高性能電動動力系統和電池,以及在整個車輛生命週期中對可持續性進行根本性新方法。
寶馬集團慕尼黑工廠主管彼得·韋伯(Peter Weber)表示:
寶馬AG董事會成員米蘭·內德爾科維奇(Milan Nedeljković)表示:
3.Circularity Tech Startup Resynergi Raises $6.4 Million to Scale Plastic Recycling Solution
Circularity-focused startup Resynergi has secured $6.4 million (USD $7 million) in a Series B funding round to support its advanced plastic recycling technology. Resynergi utilizes Continuous Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis (CMAP) to convert plastic waste, including challenging plastics like HDPE, LDPE, PP, and PS, into reusable materials. Their modular CMAP technology can achieve this conversion 20 times faster than traditional pyrolysis while reducing CO2 emissions by up to 68%. The funds will be used to scale up production and expand the executive team. Resynergi aims to promote plastic circularity by diverting plastic from landfills and oceans, ultimately contributing to environmental protection. The funding round was led by Transitions First and Lummus Technology.
BlackRock以125 億美元收購基礎設施巨頭GIP
Investment giant BlackRock has acquired Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) in a cash and stock deal valued at $12.5 billion. GIP, founded in 2006, is the world's largest independent infrastructure manager with over $100 billion in assets under management. The acquisition aligns with BlackRock's view that infrastructure presents significant investment opportunities, driven by factors such as decarbonization, energy security, digital infrastructure, and supply chain transitions. Infrastructure is expected to be one of the fastest-growing segments of private markets, driven by global demand for upgraded digital infrastructure, supply chain optimization, and decarbonization trends. The combined company will have a global infrastructure platform exceeding $150 billion. GIP's Chairman and CEO, Bayo Ogunlesi, will join BlackRock's board after the transaction closes.
投資巨頭 BlackRock 今日宣布以 125 億美元現金和股票交易收購基礎設施投資者 Global Infrastructure Partners(GIP),並將其估值為 125 億美元,原因是新興的長期機會包括脫碳、能源安全、數字基礎設施和供應鏈轉型等領域。
GIP 成立於 2006 年,總部位於紐約,是全球最大的獨立基礎設施管理公司,管理著超過 1000 億美元的基礎設施股權和信用策略資產,重點投資領域包括能源、交通、數字、水和廢物等。該公司的投資包括重要的可再生能源平台 Clearway、Vena、Atlas 和 Eolian,以及蓋特威克、愛丁堡和悉尼機場、數據中心開發商 CyrusOne、廢物和水資源循環解決方案提供商 Suez,以及鐵路和港口運營商。
這筆交易是在 BlackRock 最近發布的 2024 年私募市場展望中宣布的,該報告將基礎設施視為投資機會的主要來源,強調了低碳過渡作為關鍵的大主題,預示著“大規模資本再配置”,以改造全球能源系統。GIP 則認為脫碳是其投資論點的核心。
BlackRock 在宣布收購的新聞稿中表示,這筆交易發生在“基礎設施預計將成為未來幾年私募市場增長最快的領域”的背景下,主要驅動因素包括全球對升級數字基礎設施的需求增加、供應鏈重塑導致對機場、鐵路和航運港口等物流中心的重新投資,以及全球脫碳和能源安全趨勢。
BlackRock 還指出,在政府赤字較大的環境中,基礎設施專注的私募投資者有機會參與公私合作伙伴關係,此外,高利率環境也促使企業通過合作機會提高資本回報,以改進其內嵌基礎設施資產的回報。
收購後,合併公司將擁有超過 1500 億美元的全球基礎設施平台,由 GIP 管理團隊領導。GIP 創始合夥人、董事會主席兼首席執行官 Bayo Ogunlesi 也將在交易完成後加入 BlackRock 董事會。Ogunlesi 表示,投資者之所以採用私人基礎設施投資,是因為它能夠提供穩定的現金流、相關性較低的回報和對通貨膨脹的對沖,全球公司已經將目光投向了私人基礎設施,將其視為快速創新者和更具商業敏捷性的基礎設施資產的所有者,這些資產不是其商業核心。這一平台旨在成為全球公司和公共部門的一站式基礎設施解決方案提供商,通過長期的公司關係動員長期的私人資本。
1.Renewable Energy Growth Jumps by 50% in 2023, On Track to Overtake Coal Next Year: IEA
可再生能源增长2023年提升50%,預計明年將超越煤碳:國際能源署 (IEA)
In 2023, renewable energy capacity experienced significant growth, with a global increase of 510 GW, a 50% rise from 2022. A report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) revealed that China played a crucial role in driving this growth. The world is now on track to increase renewables capacity by 2.5 times by 2030, aligning with the goal set at the COP28 climate conference to triple renewable energy capacity by the end of the decade. The IEA Executive Director, Fatih Birol, stated that while progress is being made, more needs to be done to reach the COP28 goal.
China was a major contributor to global renewables growth, adding as much solar PV capacity in one year as the entire world did in 2022. China also increased its wind power capacity by nearly two-thirds and accounted for 90% of the IEA's upward forecast revision. Solar PV capacity constituted the majority of capacity additions worldwide in 2023, and it is expected that solar PV and onshore wind installations will become more competitive due to declining costs, surpassing coal and natural gas alternatives by 2028.
Other regions, including the U.S., EU, and Brazil, also achieved record increases in renewable energy capacity. However, there are challenges to overcome to meet the COP28 goal, such as policy uncertainty, insufficient investment in grid infrastructure, administrative barriers, and inadequate financing in emerging and developing economies. Rapid scaling up of financing and deployment in these economies will be crucial for achieving the tripling goal.
2023年,可再生能源容量經歷了數十年來最強勁的增長,全球新增容量增加了510 GW,較2022年增長50%。根據國際能源署(IEA)今天發布的新報告,中國成為全球增長的關鍵推動力。這一報告名為“可再生能源2023”。
IEA執行董事法蒂赫·比洛爾(Fatih Birol)表示:
“新的IEA報告顯示,根據當前政策和市場條件,全球可再生能源容量已經朝著2030年增加2.5倍的目標前進。這還不足以達到COP28的三倍可再生能源目標,但我們正在更近一步 - 政府具備關閉差距所需工具。”
就類型而言,太陽能光伏占據了2023年全球新增容量的絕大多數,未來,由於新太陽能光伏和陸上風電安裝成本不斷下降,它們預計將變得更具競爭力,幾乎所有的風電和太陽能光伏容量部署都預計將在2028年以前比煤炭和天然氣等替代品提供更低的發電成本,根據IEA的預測。與此形成鮮明對比的是,到2028年,IEA對離岸風電的前景在中國以外的地區下調了15%,這是由於更高的投資成本導致了2023年取消或推遲了150 GW的項目。
2.BMW to Produce only All-Electric Vehicles at Munich Plant from 2027
BMW Group has announced that its Munich plant, which has been in operation since 1922, will transition to manufacturing only all-electric vehicles, with the transformation set to be completed by the end of 2027. The Munich plant, which initially produced aircraft engines and later motorcycles and automobiles, currently produces around 1,000 vehicles per day, with roughly half of them being all-electric.
Starting in 2026, the Munich plant will produce BMW's Neue Klasse electric sedan, which is expected to feature a redefined IT and software architecture, new high-performance electric drivetrains and batteries, and a strong emphasis on sustainability throughout the vehicle's lifecycle.
To prepare for this transformation, BMW will invest €650 million in the Munich plant. This investment will include the construction of four new buildings, including a new vehicle assembly line with logistics areas and a new body shop.
Peter Weber, Director of BMW Group Plant Munich, highlighted the adaptability and innovation of the Munich plant, comparing the transformation to the Neue Klasse with the plant's reinvention in the 1960s.
BMW's decision to transition its Munich plant to all-electric vehicle production aligns with its broader commitment to combat climate change. In 2021, BMW announced goals to significantly reduce vehicle emissions throughout their lifecycle, reduce CO2 emissions by 40% per vehicle by 2030, and achieve a minimum of 50% of its global sales from battery electric vehicles by 2030. The company has also indicated that it may reach the 50% global EV sales target earlier than 2030.
Milan Nedeljković, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Production, emphasized the Munich plant's adaptability and ability to simultaneously deliver current production while shaping the future of electric vehicle manufacturing within BMW's production network.
從2026年開始,該工廠將生產寶馬的Neue Klasse電動轎車,該公司表示將具有完全重新定義的IT和軟件架構、新一代高性能電動動力系統和電池,以及在整個車輛生命週期中對可持續性進行根本性新方法。
寶馬集團慕尼黑工廠主管彼得·韋伯(Peter Weber)表示:
寶馬AG董事會成員米蘭·內德爾科維奇(Milan Nedeljković)表示:
3.Circularity Tech Startup Resynergi Raises $6.4 Million to Scale Plastic Recycling Solution
Circularity-focused startup Resynergi has secured $6.4 million (USD $7 million) in a Series B funding round to support its advanced plastic recycling technology. Resynergi utilizes Continuous Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis (CMAP) to convert plastic waste, including challenging plastics like HDPE, LDPE, PP, and PS, into reusable materials. Their modular CMAP technology can achieve this conversion 20 times faster than traditional pyrolysis while reducing CO2 emissions by up to 68%. The funds will be used to scale up production and expand the executive team. Resynergi aims to promote plastic circularity by diverting plastic from landfills and oceans, ultimately contributing to environmental protection. The funding round was led by Transitions First and Lummus Technology.
循環經濟導向的初創企業Resynergi已經籌集到640萬美元的B輪融資,以支持其先進的塑料回收技術。Resynergi使用連續微波輔助熱解(CMAP)技術將塑料廢物轉化為可重復使用的材料,包括難以處理的塑料,如高密度聚乙烯(HDPE),低密度PE(LDPE),聚丙烯(PP)和聚苯乙烯(PS)。他們的模塊化CMAP技術可以比傳統的熱解方法快20倍,同時減少高達68%的二氧化碳排放。這筆資金將用於擴大生產規模並擴展執行團隊。Resynergi的目標是通過轉移塑料垃圾,從而促進塑料的循環利用,最終有助於環境保護。這輪融資由Transitions First和Lummus Technology領投。
BlackRock以125 億美元收購基礎設施巨頭GIP
Investment giant BlackRock has acquired Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) in a cash and stock deal valued at $12.5 billion. GIP, founded in 2006, is the world's largest independent infrastructure manager with over $100 billion in assets under management. The acquisition aligns with BlackRock's view that infrastructure presents significant investment opportunities, driven by factors such as decarbonization, energy security, digital infrastructure, and supply chain transitions. Infrastructure is expected to be one of the fastest-growing segments of private markets, driven by global demand for upgraded digital infrastructure, supply chain optimization, and decarbonization trends. The combined company will have a global infrastructure platform exceeding $150 billion. GIP's Chairman and CEO, Bayo Ogunlesi, will join BlackRock's board after the transaction closes.
投資巨頭 BlackRock 今日宣布以 125 億美元現金和股票交易收購基礎設施投資者 Global Infrastructure Partners(GIP),並將其估值為 125 億美元,原因是新興的長期機會包括脫碳、能源安全、數字基礎設施和供應鏈轉型等領域。
GIP 成立於 2006 年,總部位於紐約,是全球最大的獨立基礎設施管理公司,管理著超過 1000 億美元的基礎設施股權和信用策略資產,重點投資領域包括能源、交通、數字、水和廢物等。該公司的投資包括重要的可再生能源平台 Clearway、Vena、Atlas 和 Eolian,以及蓋特威克、愛丁堡和悉尼機場、數據中心開發商 CyrusOne、廢物和水資源循環解決方案提供商 Suez,以及鐵路和港口運營商。
這筆交易是在 BlackRock 最近發布的 2024 年私募市場展望中宣布的,該報告將基礎設施視為投資機會的主要來源,強調了低碳過渡作為關鍵的大主題,預示著“大規模資本再配置”,以改造全球能源系統。GIP 則認為脫碳是其投資論點的核心。
BlackRock 在宣布收購的新聞稿中表示,這筆交易發生在“基礎設施預計將成為未來幾年私募市場增長最快的領域”的背景下,主要驅動因素包括全球對升級數字基礎設施的需求增加、供應鏈重塑導致對機場、鐵路和航運港口等物流中心的重新投資,以及全球脫碳和能源安全趨勢。
BlackRock 還指出,在政府赤字較大的環境中,基礎設施專注的私募投資者有機會參與公私合作伙伴關係,此外,高利率環境也促使企業通過合作機會提高資本回報,以改進其內嵌基礎設施資產的回報。
收購後,合併公司將擁有超過 1500 億美元的全球基礎設施平台,由 GIP 管理團隊領導。GIP 創始合夥人、董事會主席兼首席執行官 Bayo Ogunlesi 也將在交易完成後加入 BlackRock 董事會。Ogunlesi 表示,投資者之所以採用私人基礎設施投資,是因為它能夠提供穩定的現金流、相關性較低的回報和對通貨膨脹的對沖,全球公司已經將目光投向了私人基礎設施,將其視為快速創新者和更具商業敏捷性的基礎設施資產的所有者,這些資產不是其商業核心。這一平台旨在成為全球公司和公共部門的一站式基礎設施解決方案提供商,通過長期的公司關係動員長期的私人資本。