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- ESG 國際新聞週報 5/22-5/28
ESG 國際新聞週報 5/22-5/28

1.Nike Launches First-Ever Hydrogen-Powered Inland Container Ship.
Nike 首次推出使用氫能源的內陸集裝箱船
Nike宣布推出首艘內陸集裝箱船H₂ Barge 1,採用氫能源驅動,將在荷蘭鹿特丹和比利時的歐洲物流基地之間運載產品,實現零CO2排放。該船通過改造柴油船舶,使用氫技術替代內燃機,僅排放濕潤空氣和清潔水。Nike預計該船每年可減少2000噸CO2排放。此舉是Nike實現2025年可持續發展目標的一部分,公司致力於減少溫室氣體排放、使用可再生能源和替代燃料,並採取其他物流減碳措施。
Nike has announced the launch of the H₂ Barge 1, the first-ever hydrogen-powered inland container ship, which will transport products between Rotterdam and Nike's European Logistics Campus in Belgium, emitting zero CO2 emissions. The vessel, retrofitted from a diesel barge to run on hydrogen technology, now only releases humid air and clean water. Nike expects the barge to reduce CO2 emissions by 2,000 tons annually. This initiative is part of Nike's efforts to achieve its 2025 sustainability goals, which include greenhouse gas reduction, renewable energy use, alternative fuels, and other logistics carbon reduction measures.
2.FedEx Launches Tool Enabling Customers to Track Shipping Emissions
FedEx 推出可讓客戶追蹤運輸排放量的工具
全球快遞巨頭聯邦快遞宣布推出FedEx可持續洞察力(Sustainability Insights),這是一款新工具,讓貨運業者可以根據網絡掃描數據,獲得包裹和帳戶層級的運輸碳排放數據。這款工具可以幫助客戶評估和管理運輸的碳足跡,了解運輸模式和環境影響,並創建定制報告提供碳排放數據給客戶和利益相關者。聯邦快遞使用WRI的溫室氣體計議定書方法,並包含行業標準排放因子和特定運輸指標。該工具提供各種指標的數據,包括運輸方式、服務類型以及國內和全球的快遞和貨運。聯邦快遞還表示,這款工具將成為一個新的工具套件的基礎,讓電子商務客戶可以將排放數據傳輸到自己的系統,從而幫助客戶瞄準環保消費者,提供購買的環境影響信息,並為利益相關者和監管機構創建排放報告。
Global delivery giant FedEx has announced the launch of FedEx Sustainability Insights, a new tool that enables shippers to access estimated carbon emissions data for shipments at the package and account levels, based on network scan data. This tool allows customers to evaluate and manage the carbon impact of shipping, review shipping history to understand patterns and environmental impact, and create customized reports to provide carbon footprint data to customers and stakeholders. Developed by FedEx Dataworks, the tool calculates greenhouse gas emissions using the methodology of the WRI's Greenhouse Gas Protocol and includes industry-standard emission factors and operational metrics specific to utilities and transportation. The tool displays data in various metrics, including transport mode, service type, and country or territory, for domestic and global FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, and FedEx Freight shipments. FedEx also plans to use the tool's data to optimize its own operations and routes, and to work towards its climate goals, including being carbon neutral in operations by 2040.
3.JPMorgan Announces one of Largest Ever Carbon Removal Purchases
JPMorgan 宣布史上最大的碳排放削減採購之一
摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)今天宣布了一系列交易,旨在從大氣中去除並儲存800,000公噸二氧化碳,價值超過2億美元,這是迄今為止最大的二氧化碳去除(CDR)購買之一。預計這些協議將使摩根大通在2030年前能夠抵銷其整個直接運營排放足跡。該公司表示,這些協議還旨在幫助加速CDR技術的發展並支持擴大碳去除項目。摩根大通還承諾在2040年前將其運營業務實現碳中和。
JPMorgan Chase has announced a series of deals to remove and store 800,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, valued at over $200 million. This marks one of the largest carbon dioxide removal (CDR) purchases to date. The agreements aim to match JPMorgan's entire unabated direct operational emissions footprint by 2030. The company also intends to use the agreements to accelerate the development of CDR technologies and support the scaling up of carbon removal projects. JPMorgan has committed to becoming carbon neutral in its operations by 2040.
4.KPMG Launches Circularity Tracker Solution on Microsoft Sustainability Platform
KPMG 在 Microsoft 可持續發展平台上推出循環追蹤解決方案
全球專業服務公司摩根士丹利(KPMG)今天宣布推出循環追蹤器(Circularity Tracker),這是一款新工具,旨在通過自動化數據收集和處理、性能分析和監測,支持組織從線性經濟向循環經濟轉變。
該新工具是KPMG基於微軟專注於可持續性的平台「Cloud for Sustainability」推出的一系列ESG(環境、社會和公司治理)解決方案的一部分。微軟在2021年推出了這個平台,旨在通過軟件即服務(SaaS)工具記錄、報告、減少和替代企業的排放,並在去年將該工具與Sustainability Manager進行了整合,該解決方案統一了數據智能,使組織可以自動化地了解其整個運營和價值鏈的環境影響。
Global professional services firm KPMG has announced the launch of Circularity Tracker, a new tool designed to support organizations in transitioning from a linear to a circular economy. The tool facilitates automated data collection, processing, and performance analysis for measuring and monitoring circularity performance at various levels, including products, locations, and materials. It enables comparisons, offers insights to reduce resource use and waste generation, and automates data calculations based on recognized circularity performance measurement frameworks. The Circularity Tracker is part of KPMG's suite of ESG-focused solutions, developed in collaboration with Microsoft's Cloud for Sustainability platform. KPMG aims to provide organizations with meaningful data and promote positive change in reducing environmental impact and advancing sustainability goals.
5.G7 Leaders Support Development of Global Sustainable Disclosure Standards
G7 領導人支持全球可持續透明標準的發展
Leaders of leading industrial nations at the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, made a series of announcements in support of their commitments to the Paris Agreement. These announcements included supporting the development of sustainability and climate-related corporate reporting standards by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), calling for an end to the construction of new unabated coal-fired power plants, and supporting initiatives to ramp up climate transition finance for developing countries. The summit also emphasized the importance of mobilizing finance to facilitate emissions reductions and climate resilient development, particularly private finance focusing on the implementation and development of clean technologies and activities. The leaders committed to consistent, comparable, and reliable disclosure of sustainability information, including climate-related disclosures.