ESG 國際新聞週報 1/27- 2/2

February 04,2025
Green and White Minimalist Earth Day Instagram Post-11
資料來源  Resource:ESG TODAY

1.Energizer Launches Plastic-Free Packaging for Batteries
Energizer 推出無塑膠包裝的電池產品

Energizer Holdings 宣布推出 100% 可回收、無塑膠包裝的電池產品,這標誌著該公司在環境保護方面的重要里程碑,並回應消費者對可持續解決方案的需求。

Energizer 執行副總裁兼首席行銷官 Lori Shambro 表示,公司長期致力於創新,推動包裝永續發展是責任之旅的自然延伸。這次改造不僅提升了消費者與零售商的體驗,更為塑膠零包裝的未來奠定基礎。

新包裝將於 2025 年 3 月率先在沃爾瑪(Walmart)門市及線上販售,並於同年擴展至其他北美零售商。沃爾瑪高級副總裁 Tyler Lehr 表示,Energizer 的無塑膠包裝計畫與沃爾瑪邁向再生公司的願景一致,能為顧客帶來更直觀且便利的購買體驗。

當所有零售商全面改用新包裝後,Energizer 90% 的北美產品組合將實現無塑包裝。該公司強調,新包裝不僅有環保優勢,也讓消費者更方便購買、開啟與存放,同時提升貨架陳列效率,並縮短門市補貨時間,進一步改善營運效能。

Energizer Holdings announced the launch of 100% recyclable, plastic-free packaging for its battery products, marking a major milestone in the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability and addressing growing consumer demand for renewable solutions.

Lori Shambro, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at Energizer, highlighted that advancing packaging sustainability was a natural step in the company’s responsibility journey, ensuring a better experience for consumers and retailers while paving the way for a plastic-free future.

The new packaging will roll out in March 2025, starting with Walmart stores and online, followed by other North American retailers later that year. Tyler Lehr, Senior Vice President at Walmart, emphasized that Energizer’s initiative aligns with Walmart’s mission to become a regenerative company, offering customers a more intuitive and convenient shopping experience.

Once fully implemented across retailers, 90% of Energizer’s North American product portfolio will transition to plastic-free packaging. In addition to its environmental benefits, the company noted that the paper-based packaging will make purchasing, opening, and storing batteries easier for consumers while optimizing shelf space and restocking efficiency for retailers.

2.Texas-Led Multi-State Coalition Threatens BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and Others with Legal Action Over ESG Commitments
德州聯合 9 位州檢察長向 BlackRock、Goldman Sachs、JPMorgan Chase 等六家華爾街金融機構警告其 ESG 和 DEI 政策 可能面臨法律行動

德州檢察長 Ken Paxton 聯合 9 位州檢察長(來自 阿拉巴馬州、愛達荷州、印第安納州、愛荷華州、蒙大拿州、內布拉斯加州、南卡羅來納州、猶他州和維吉尼亞州),向 BlackRock、Goldman Sachs、JPMorgan Chase 等六家華爾街金融機構發函,警告其 ESG 和 DEI 政策 可能面臨法律行動。

該信要求企業在 45 天內回應,解釋過去參與 淨零銀行聯盟 (NZBA)、淨零資產管理人倡議 (NZAM) 及 Climate Action 100+ 的決策,並質疑其退出後仍承諾「淨零」的合理性。此外,信中指控 BlackRock、Goldman Sachs 等公司 在雇用、董事會及供應鏈配額上的 DEI 政策 可能涉及歧視,違反法律。

Paxton 表示:「金融機構終於意識到 ESG 和 DEI 策略可能違法,我們將追究責任。」

Texas AG Ken Paxton, along with 9 other state AGs from Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, Utah, and Virginia, sent letters to BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and others, warning of potential legal actions over their ESG and DEI policies.

The letter demands responses within 45 days, questioning past involvement in NZBA, NZAM, and Climate Action 100+, and accusing firms of discriminatory hiring, board, and supplier diversity quotas. It also challenges their commitment to net-zero goals post-withdrawal.

Paxton stated: "Financial institutions are realizing ESG and DEI policies may be illegal, and we will hold them accountable."

3.EU Pledges “Far-Reaching Simplification” in Sustainability Reporting in New Competitiveness Roadmap
歐盟執行委員會正式發布備受關注的 「競爭力指南」(Competitiveness Compass),制定提升歐洲 生產力與全球競爭力 的新路線圖

歐盟執行委員會正式發布備受關注的 「競爭力指南」(Competitiveness Compass),制定提升歐洲 生產力與全球競爭力 的新路線圖。該計畫透過 促進創新與投資、減少企業行政負擔、降低能源成本 來推動經濟成長。

首批行動包括將於 下月提出的「綜合法案」(Omnibus Package),該法案將簡化 永續金融報告、企業永續盡職調查(CSDDD)、企業永續報告指令(CSRD)與歐盟分類標準(Taxonomy Regulation),並目標 降低企業報告負擔 25%,中小企業(SMEs)負擔 35%。此外,歐盟計畫重新定義 「中型企業」,讓這類企業適用於較簡化的永續報告標準。

指南還涵蓋 「清潔產業協議」(Clean Industrial Deal),該計畫將於 2025 年第一季 提出,旨在支持 能源密集型產業的去碳化與競爭力,並為 鋼鐵、金屬、化工 等產業制定專屬行動方案。此外,歐盟計畫推出 「工業去碳化加速法案」(Industrial Decarbonisation Accelerator Act)加速再生能源許可、「可持續運輸投資計畫」(Sustainable Transport Investment Plan)提升低碳運輸燃料基礎設施,以及 「循環經濟法案」(Circular Economy Act)推動回收投資、減少填埋與焚化,並檢討 碳邊境調整機制(CBAM)。

指南亦包含針對汽車產業的 「產業行動計畫」,預計調整 2035 年燃油車 CO₂ 排放 100% 減量規範,考慮為 合成燃料(e-fuels) 開闢新發展空間。

歐盟執委會主席 馮德萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen) 強調,這些措施不會削弱先前的綠色轉型目標,並表示:
「我要明確表示,歐盟將堅定維護《歐洲綠色政綱》(Green Deal)的目標,這一點毫無疑問。」

The European Commission has released its highly anticipated “Competitiveness Compass”, outlining a new roadmap to enhance Europe’s productivity and global competitiveness by boosting innovation and investment, reducing corporate administrative burdens, and lowering energy costs.

A key initiative under the new roadmap is the "Omnibus Package", set to be introduced next month, aiming to simplify sustainable finance reporting, corporate sustainability due diligence (CSDDD), sustainability reporting (CSRD), and taxonomy regulations. The plan targets a 25% reduction in reporting burdens for all companies and 35% for SMEs. Additionally, the EU plans to introduce a new definition for mid-cap companies, allowing them to follow simplified sustainability reporting requirements.

The "Clean Industrial Deal", slated for Q1 2025, will direct investments toward energy-intensive industries to support decarbonization and competitiveness, with customized action plans for steel, metals, and chemicals. Further measures include the "Industrial Decarbonisation Accelerator Act" to streamline renewable energy permitting, a "Sustainable Transport Investment Plan" to expand infrastructure for low-carbon fuels, a "Circular Economy Act" to promote recycling and reduce landfill waste, and a review of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).

The roadmap also includes an industrial action plan for the automotive sector, anticipating a revision of the 2035 zero-CO₂ emissions rule for new cars and vans, potentially incorporating a role for e-fuels.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen reassured that these initiatives would not compromise the bloc’s sustainability commitments, stating:
“I want to be very clear, the European Union stays the course of the Green Deal objectives, without any question.”

4.Moody’s Predicts $1 Trillion Sustainable Bond Market in 2025 Despite Political Headwinds
穆迪(Moody’s Ratings)預測,2025 年全球標籤型永續債券發行量將達到約 1 兆美元

根據穆迪(Moody’s Ratings)最新預測,2025 年全球標籤型永續債券(包括綠色、社會、永續、永續掛鉤及轉型債券)發行量將再次達到約 1 兆美元。儘管美國新政府的政策變化可能帶來阻力,但全球對永續發展、清潔能源投資及氣候適應與生態保護的關注將持續推動市場增長。

綠色債券仍將主導市場,穆迪預計 2025 年發行量將達 6,200 億美元,略高於 2024 年。該增長主要受 氣候緩解政策、私營企業承諾及清潔能源成本下降 的推動。儘管美國政策可能對全球氣候行動產生影響,但穆迪認為,其他國家仍將推動去碳化與能源安全投資,且美國的永續債券發行量不會大幅下降,因為州政府與私營部門投資將部分彌補聯邦資金減少。

北美市場縮減,2024 年該地區永續債發行量已降至 1,240 億美元,較 2021 年下降近 30%。

綠色債券投資重點 包括:
✅ 低碳數據中心的能源與水資源效率提升,推動核能與綠色技術投資
✅ 氣候適應與韌性項目,因極端氣候造成的經濟與社會成本上升
✅ 生態保育與生物多樣性保護,應對全球暖化影響

其他債券類別發行預測: 🔻 社會債 2025 年將下降 9% 至 1,500 億美元,因缺乏大規模專案
⚖️ 永續債(綠色+社會專案)預計穩定在 1,750 億美元
⚖️ 轉型債 2025 年維持 200 億美元,仍主要由日本政府帶動,但有望擴展至其他發行方
📈 永續掛鉤債 預計增長 14% 至 350 億美元,但仍低於 2021-2023 年水準,因市場對債券目標的可信度與透明度審查加強

穆迪表示:「我們預計 2025 年全球永續債發行量將維持約 1 兆美元。全球對永續投資的關注將支持市場,但市場標準演變、政策監管趨嚴,以及部分國家政治環境影響,可能抑制市場成長。」

According to Moody’s Ratings, global sustainable bond issuance—including green, social, sustainability, sustainability-linked, and transition bonds—is expected to reach $1 trillion again in 2025. While potential political challenges, particularly from the new U.S. administration, may pose risks, continued clean energy investments and increased focus on climate adaptation and nature-related projects will support market stability.

Green bonds will continue to dominate, with record issuance of $620 billion forecasted for 2025, slightly up from 2024. Growth will be driven by climate mitigation policies, corporate commitments, and declining clean energy costs. While U.S. policy shifts could dampen global climate action, Moody’s expects decarbonization and energy security investments to persist in other regions. Additionally, U.S. sustainable bond issuance is not expected to decline significantly, as state and private sector investments offset reduced federal funding.

North America’s share in the sustainable bond market has been shrinking, with 2024 issuance at $124 billion, a 30% decline from 2021.

Key Green Bond Investment Themes:
✅ Energy- and water-efficient data centers, nuclear projects, and emerging low-carbon technologies
✅ Adaptation & resilience financing, as climate risks escalate
✅ Nature-focused projects, addressing ecosystem conservation and biodiversity

Other Bond Market Projections:
🔻 Social bonds to decline 9% to $150 billion, due to a lack of large-scale benchmark projects
⚖️ Sustainability bonds expected to remain stable at $175 billion
⚖️ Transition bonds projected to stay at $20 billion, dominated by Japan, but with potential for new issuers
📈 Sustainability-linked bonds to grow 14% to $35 billion, though still below 2021-2023 levels, due to ongoing investor scrutiny over credibility

Moody’s stated:
"We expect global sustainable bond issuance to remain around $1 trillion in 2025. While global focus on sustainable investment will support the market, factors such as increased scrutiny on greenwashing, evolving market standards, and political headwinds in some regions may restrain growth."