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- ESG 國際新聞週報 10/28 - 11/3
ESG 國際新聞週報 10/28 - 11/3
1.EU Cuts Greenhouse Gas Emissions by More than 8% in 2023
歐盟在 2023 年實現溫室氣體淨排放量 8.3% 的大幅下降
The European Commission's 2024 Climate Action Progress Report reveals a significant 8.3% reduction in net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the EU for 2023, marking one of the largest declines in recent decades. This reduction follows increased renewable energy use, particularly from wind and solar, which now make up nearly 45% of the EU's electricity production. The shift away from coal, as well as a 20% decrease in fossil-fuel electricity generation, has driven substantial emission cuts in power and heating.
The report outlines progress towards EU climate goals, including the European climate law's commitment to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 and a binding target of 55% emissions reduction by 2030 from 1990 levels. In 2023, emissions from power and industrial installations fell by 16.5%, and building sector emissions decreased by 5.5%, though aviation emissions rose by 9.5%.
Looking ahead, the EU has proposed a 90% GHG emissions reduction target by 2040, with investment needs estimated at €660 billion annually for the energy system and €870 billion for transport. These investments focus on industrial decarbonization, energy efficiency, electrification, and sustainable fuels.
歐盟委員會於 2024 年發布的氣候行動進展報告顯示,歐盟在 2023 年實現了溫室氣體 (GHG) 淨排放量 8.3% 的大幅下降,為近幾十年來最大幅度的減排之一。這一減排主要歸因於風能和太陽能等可再生能源使用的增加,該類能源目前約占歐盟發電量的 45%。此外,煤炭使用的減少以及化石燃料發電量的下降也進一步促進了電力和供暖部門的減排。
報告概述了歐盟氣候目標的進展,包括《歐洲氣候法》提出的到 2050 年實現氣候中和的目標,以及到 2030 年相較於 1990 年減少 55% 排放量的法律約束目標。在 2023 年,受歐盟排放交易系統(EU ETS)涵蓋的電力和工業部門減排 16.5%,建築部門排放量下降 5.5%,而航空排放則上升了 9.5%。
展望未來,歐盟提出了到 2040 年實現溫室氣體減排 90% 的目標,並估計達成目標所需的年度投資分別為能源系統 6600 億歐元和交通運輸 8700 億歐元。這些投資將集中於工業去碳化、能源效率提升、電氣化及可持續燃料的生產等關鍵領域。
2.Southwest Airlines Eliminates 1.5 Million Pounds of Single-Use Plastic from Flights
西南航空預計每年減少超過 150 萬磅一次性塑料使用量
西南航空宣布推出一系列新產品,以取代航班中的一次性塑料,包括一款竹杯供機上冷飲使用,以及一款木製攪拌棒。據該航空公司表示,這些新產品預計每年可減少超過 150 萬磅的一次性塑料使用量。
此次新產品的推出延續了西南航空去年發布的「Nonstop to Net Zero」可持續發展戰略,該戰略勾畫了公司實現 2050 年零碳排放目標的路徑。除了增加可持續航空燃料的使用、節約燃料以及電氣化地面設備等目標,該戰略還承諾在 2030 年前,儘可能從機上服務中消除一次性塑料的使用。
西南航空的新竹杯由 93% 的非塑料材料製成,包含 75% 竹漿和 25% 紙漿混合的紙漿以及一層聚乙烯襯裡;攪拌棒則由 100% 森林管理委員會(FSC)認證的白樺木製成。公司指出,根據美國綠色建築委員會的標準,竹子是一種「快速再生材料」,成熟期為 3-5 年。
其他減少塑料和廢棄物的舉措包括,最近將紙巾的包裝換成由 100% 回收材料製成的紙質包裝,以及即將在來往夏威夷的航班上引入新型「選擇零食」服務,預計每年可減少至少 18,000 磅的一次性塑料包裝。
西南航空環境可持續發展董事總經理 Helen Giles 表示:「我們預計新的竹製冷杯、木製攪拌棒及其他舉措將超出我們在 2025 年前將機上服務中的塑料減少 50% 的目標。我們也將繼續與供應商合作,朝著 2030 年完全消除一次性塑料的目標努力。」
3.Morgan Stanley Softens Climate Targets
Morgan Stanley has introduced a new range-based approach to its financed emissions reduction targets, adjusting its strategy to include a lower emissions reduction bound in recognition of current global policy and economic conditions that are not yet on track for a 1.5°C temperature rise limit. The firm reiterated its commitment to achieving net zero financed emissions by 2050, aligning with the Paris Agreement’s well-below-2°C target.
In its report, Morgan Stanley emphasizes a realistic approach to near-term challenges and notes that reaching more ambitious climate goals remains uncertain given current technology, policy, and consumer behavior. Updated targets have been set for the Power, Energy, and Auto Manufacturing sectors, with new targets added for Aviation, Chemicals, and Mining—sectors comprising 65% of the firm’s lending portfolio emissions. Morgan Stanley also plans to expand its coverage to include emissions from capital markets and event lending in the future.
Jessica Alsford, Chief Sustainability Officer, highlighted the firm’s role in facilitating a low-carbon economy, affirming, "We play an important role in helping to direct capital towards low-carbon solutions and achieve real-economy decarbonization."
首席永續長Jessica Alsford強調公司在促進低碳經濟方面的角色,表示:「我們在引導資本流向低碳解決方案並實現實體經濟去碳化方面發揮重要作用。」
4.KKR, ECP Launch $50 Billion Data Center and Power Generation Investment Partnership
KKR and Energy Capital Partners (ECP) announced a new $50 billion strategic partnership to accelerate the expansion of data centers and power generation, addressing the surging energy demand driven by AI and cloud computing. The partnership will leverage KKR’s digital infrastructure and energy expertise alongside ECP’s energy transition platform to scale data center and power solutions across geographies. This collaboration comes in response to a global need for expanded infrastructure, as AI advances require greater data center capacity and energy resources, with data center power demand expected to grow 160% by 2030.
KKR and ECP aim to work with utilities, power developers, and independent producers to deliver affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions, funding the partnership from their respective capital sources.
投資公司KKR與能源轉型基礎設施投資公司Energy Capital Partners(ECP)宣佈成立新的戰略夥伴關係,目標是在全球範圍內投資500億美元,以加速數據中心和電力生產的擴展,滿足由人工智能(AI)和雲計算快速增長所帶來的能源需求。該夥伴關係將結合KKR在數位基礎設施和能源價值鏈上的專業知識,以及ECP在電氣化、電力及可再生能源生產方面的優勢,以跨地區推動大規模數據中心和電力解決方案。